Ch. 4 *Apology*

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*Few Days Later*

Finally...I'm free to breathe now.
Without Vaggie or Charlie pulling me this way and that way.
I'm too tired to even hang out with Angel this past month, ever since Alastor joined. Kind of a bummer to, I enjoy Angie's company.

But for now, I'm just gonna crawl into bed—
I gasp when I open the door, seeing my room completely changed, reorganized, and NEATLY cleaned up.

What...who did this?!

Suddenly, a little creature in a pretty dress with pink hair and one eye pops out from under my bed.
"Oh! Oh I'm sorry," she quickly crawls out. "I wasn't snooping or anything I swear! I just saw your room was cluttered and you know what they say? A messy room, a messy life."

"Uh..." I say, watching her approach me, a bright smile on her face.
"Forgive me for asking but...who are you?" I ask.
I've seen her around a lot, but I don't know her name or anything.
I know, a month has passed and I don't even know her name...
I feel like a bitch.

"Oh! I'm Niffty!" she smiles, waving at me. "Alastor's little cleaner!"
"Oh..." I say, before I glance around the room.

Her eye widens in fear. "What's wrong? You don't like it?"
"No! No that's not it! I do like it, I like it a lot!" I compliment, which lightens her mood again.
I bite my bottom lip. "You're his cleaner?"


" you know what he's like?" I ask, possibly to see if maybe I can get to know Alastor a little bit more, just to see what I can expect and am up for.

She frowns a little, deep in thought which makes her face look adorable.
"That's a tricky one..." she replies, "I don't know TOO much about him. And he doesn't like it when he hears people talking about him. But..." she looks left and right, before motioning me to kneel.

Which I do, and she stands on her tip toes to whisper.

"He seems scary, but he's actually really nice once you get to know him. He makes THE BEST jambalaya ever! And, he really misses his mother."

"His mother?" I ask, remembering that time when I insulted his mom, he literally looked ready to kill me, but instead, scared me shitless.

"Where is his mother?" I ask.

Niffty sighs a little. "In Heaven," she replies, "he can't ever go see her. And deep down, he's hoping that possibly helping out at the hotel, he might be able to see his mom again."

Does he...want to get redeemed, to see his mom?!

"He wants to be redeemed?" I ask, and Niffty laughs.
"Oh goodness no! He can't be redeemed, he just...thinks that maybe if he helps, there will be a chance he's allowed to see his mother in Heaven."

My eyes widen a little, and my feelings towards him soften.
I always saw him as a cold hearted, asshole, but deep down...there is a soft side after all.
There IS a side that still feels...for his mother, at least.

I'm quiet for several moments, which makes Niffty think its a good idea to pinch me to get my attention.

"Ow! Wha-"

My Demon Belle (Alastor x OC! love story) ✓ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now