part 1

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when i opened my eyes

kim roksoo have seen a lot of unexplainable things in his life. but being transmigrated into trash noble from a book he read before bed is not one of those things. especially, when he looked at mirror, it's easy to say that it's not 'cale henituse' he read.

cale henituse, character in the novel that he somehow transmigrated for is noble trash who likes to drink and throw out things. basically, a nuts.

but when he looked at the mirror, reflect a prettiest person kim roksoo ever met. luscious red hair, pale yet unblemished skin, eyes crimson deep with long thick lashes, and oh, god, are those even real?

his lips, is as red as someone had just put a lipstick on them. kim roksoo try to rub it, it doesn't disappear. he scowled, mentioned a dissatisfaction in his unsettlingly gorgeous face.

is that even a man face? it looks more on the feminine side.

still in haze, someone knock on the door before enter the room without permission. it's ron molan, cale henituse butler and yet will be revealed as a vicious assassin later on on the book. kim roksoo—no, cale henituse—frowned.

"you're already up, young master?" ask ron with benign smile.

cale shivered, 'fuck it's scary.'

"huh?" cale responded.

"the master wishes to dine with the young master since it has been a while. it looks like it will be possible today."


"young master cale?"

for some reason, he feels need to confirm something right now. so he speaks with grunted tone.

"... vicross."

"are you talking about my son?"

"... chef."

"yes. my son is the chef. do you need him to make something for your hangover?"

cale felt his surroundings turn dark and he started to feel dizzy. he lowered his head and put it into his hand.

"young master, are you still drunk? should i call the doctor? or will you wash right now?"

and with that question, cale started his morning with still in confusion. but that doesn't last long, after a while with his disgruntled expression, ron came back to dress him. oh, it's embarrassing. even when cale request something simple, ron just stoically nodded and several servants comes up. just to dress him.

once again, it's awkward.

ron, even in the outside looks stoic as ever, started to contemplate things in his mind during dressing cale. his young master losing weight, again. he must be forgetting his lunch and dinner again due his addiction to alcohol.

cale flinched, and it's not go unnoticed by ron.

and that's due one of the servant touching his waist more than the appropriate time.

ron glared to that servant, making him retreat his hand. ron will deal with this pest later. his puppy young master seems didn't realize the danger. it's better not making him worry.

after all, after all these years, there is always pest that wanting something more than they should have. ron is aware of his young master beauty, even when he drunk on the alleyways there is always some dirty rats try to get a hand around his young master. luckily, his master, count deruth henituse, is a protective man. every time cale goes out just drink or throwing trouble, two or three knights will accompany him stealthily.

cale henituse is famous for his beauty after all, even when he never join social party for nobles. he's famous to having a face compares as a goddess of beauty or something.

not that his young master aware of that fact.

cale flinched once again when he feels ron just glared to some servant behind him. what the hell just happened? he choose to focusing in the mirror. its again reflect the picture of himself, half-naked with ron and others dressing him.

cale body...

since when cale henituse from [the birth of hero] looked this thin? even his collarabone looks pointed as hell. his waist is thin. as thin as idol that kim roksoo witness in his past life.

it's really is an androgynous body. cale is a man, but his body and face make him more feel like an idol or something that come out straight from magazine.

after-that, there is some awkward breakfast with his newfound family, cale plans to headed out with allowance to cale henituse habitual place to drink. its has their owner, billos, who was the nephew of flynn merchant guild. it's mercenary that have a bit contribution to [the birth of hero].

he doesn't know that when he eats with his family. lily and basen has some awestruck in their faces.

their older brother is really is gorgeous as people in their territory said. not that basen and lily just realized the truth. they aware, even before violan became the countess, rumors spread that firstborn of count henituse was a goddess of beauty reincarnate.

yes, their brother was a man. but possessed something that make himself looked more like a doll than human.

even when he daze out in the middle of breakfast think about whatever it is, it's looks more like a lovely sculpture than a breathing person. that's is how stunning their brother is.

and that's is how lily make a purpose in her life as a knight. she wants to protect their territory, yes. but most importantly, to held power that can protect older brother of her. who look unimpressed by everything and oblivious by lot of unsettling stare that directed at him. even when some servant serve their meal, lily can see one of the female servant staring at cale shamelessly.

she even gulped when cale swallowed fruit with elegance. some juice spurted out and dirtied cale fingers.  oblivious with what kind of scene he make, cale lick it. not wasting a single juice. it's an incredible seductive act for her, make her choke audibly.

the siblings noticed this inappropriate behavior of a servant. before lily could react, basen let out a sound.


cale flinched, is basen mad at him because cale eating the fruit without proper etiquette?

unbeknownst to him, basen menacingly glare at that female servant to back off immediately.

someone, ah no, two of servants of henituse household would likely to lose their job today.

cale just continue his breakfast nervously. maybe one of the servant realize the tense atmosphere of henituse family, so she back off running.

again, oblivious of how his family protectiveness against himself.

author notes :

i just wanna appreciate cale henituse beauty. this fic is not a serious one, just full of fluff and protective comrade of cale xoxo.

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