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"Did you get to see who it was?" Justin asked as he pulled away from me and I shook my head, that had been the last thing in my head all I could think about was getting home as soon as possible."

"No, I ran away as soon as I realized what it meant. Justin, I don't want nor, do I need a mate."

"Why would you say that Snow. A mate is one of the most important thing for our Wolf life, we all need one. You will need one unless you want to be broken like I am." Justin said as he looked at me confused, I guess he really couldn't see my point.

"I really don't care if I have to be broken, that ship sailed a long time ago, I don't need this in my life right now." I said as I stepped out of his arms and glared at him.

"Snow, you really don't know what you're talking about, there is always going to be a constant pain and hollow in your life, this will happen once you lose the one most valuable thing in your life, you will be lifeless without a mate." Justin told me in a stern tone and I shook my head, he didn't understand, no one ever did.

"Don't you think I'm already in constant pain, you out of everyone knows better what happened to me before. I don't want this, I don't want anyone attached to me, I don't want a mate, or to love someone to the point that life without them would be just like dying, I don't want to care for someone that much because I know that it will make me weak. Love makes me weak!" I yelled through my tears as I gave him a cold stare, I would not endure any more pain, not if I could avoid it.

"Snow, what are you talking about? You're not making any sense." Justin said as he looked at me worried, I knew that I was acting out, but he wouldn't understand.

"I don't want a mate that is probably going to try to control me, or a mate that will take me away from this pack, I would have to leave, and this is my home now!" I said as I shook my head, I couldn't even imagine living any other place but in Justin's pack.

"Snow, relax no one is talking about you leaving, no one is going to take you away from us." Justin said trying to calm me down and I glared at him once again.

"What makes you be so sure of that? You don't know that for sure Justin, I can't be guessing or anything like that, I can't jeopardize the pack or my gang, besides I don't have time for a mate right now, do you understand? We are in the middle or a war with Stone's pack, and you know that I won't stop until I get revenge! I won't stop until Rick gets what he deserves!" I yelled angry as Justin stared at me astonished.

"And what is in for you after you get your so-called revenge?" Justin asked as he grasped my shoulders roughly and started to shake me as if he was trying to shake away my nonsense.

"You don't understand what this man did to me Justin!" I yelled as I stared at him angry.

"And what is that Snow, please enlighten me because it's not any different from what he did to me, remember that he took Renee and killed half of my pack, he killed them all!" Justin said as he yelled back and made me staggered back shocked by his outburst since he would never mention the name of his mate.

"It's different, I just don't want a mate." I said in a low voice as I avoided his gaze.

"You know something Snow, right now you're just being selfish, did you even stop to think what your mate is going through right now? What would happen not only to you but to him if you rejected him?" Justin said scolding me and I set my jaw as I looked up feeling the tears rolled down my face once again.

"Look the principal reason why I don't want I mate is because I did put want anything to separate us, to put us as strain but now I can see that it's already happening." I said in a cold tone before I headed to my bedroom and slammed the door shut as expected Justin went after me, he was the Alpha and hadn't dismissed me yet so in other words the conversation wasn't over for him but it sure was for me.

"Snow, please open the door." I heard Justin said as he knocked at my door, but I leaned against it not letting it budge.

"Go away, you're the last person I want to see or even talk to." I yelled, and I heard Justin growl in annoyance.

"Open the door Snow, you better open this door in this instant!" Justin yelled, and I could tell that he was getting frustrated by my behavior.

"No, I won't open the door so just fuck off Justin!" I yelled as I hit the door trying to make him go away, I knew I was acting like some spoiled brat, but I really couldn't tell him all the reasons why I didn't want a mate, I myself was still mortified by some of them.

"Snow, if you don't open this door right now I swear I will break it!" Justin said threatening me.

"Go ahead, I dare you to do it. We had a deal Justin and if you break that door I'll leave and this time I mean it for good, after all isn't that what you want?" I said angry as I tried to fight the tears.

"You would leave? And what would you do by yourself Snow?" Justin asked me and, I knew he would always get pissed whenever I questioned his authority, if I were someone else I would either be long dead or a rogue if I were to treat him, my alpha, like that.

"I'm almost eighteen Justin, so you wouldn't be able to force me to leave, I have a gang, I can fend for myself and I'm the Ice Queen, so I have built a reputation for myself, I have a lot of possibilities and you know it!" I yelled back, and I heard him growl in response, but I was so glad he couldn't see me right now, I couldn't stop crying, I was a complete utter mess.

"You wouldn't dare." Justin said in a hard tone before I was met with silence, he had stopped trying open the door.

"Try me Justin, do you really want to find out?" I said before I was met with silence, he had left after that.

I honestly at this moment couldn't deal with the world right now, especially after what would happen tomorrow, it was the day I would never forget.

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