winter's coming

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I could feel my pulse racing as I ran away from them; I couldn't shift into my wolf again just like when the witch had enable my wolf side.

"We won't hurt you!' The voice called out but I knew that they would, Nakesha had warned me about them, they were the black witches not like her, she was a protector.

The black witches wanted my baby so they could break the balance of nature. I was sure that they were working for Rick, my bare feet made a constant slapping noise as I ran on the wet pavement. Maybe going for a walk in the night wasn't a good idea but I needed time alone to think and since wherever I went in the pack house I would meet pitiful looks, they would tell me how sorry they were about it and how things would better but I just didn't want to hear any lies at the moment.

"We just want to talk to you!" The voice called out as I kept running.

I knew that they were lying, I cold hear the fake note in their voices.

"I'm tired of this." One of them said, then suddenly I wasn't able to move, I couldn't move a single muscle in my entire body.

The witches got near me and one of them looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Is it her?" He asked someone.

"It is." A female voice said as she walked towards me.

It was the witch that had been with Rick, Nakesha's cousin.

"We met again." She said before they made my vision cloud and everything got dark.

When I was able to see again I was in a dark room full of dim candles, my shorts and shirt had been replaced by a white dress. I got up and saw that I was free and alone in the room; I walked around until I saw the door I got out and saw that I was alone in this house, I searched around until I found the exit; it was odd that I couldn't find any of the witches here and it was giving me an uneasy felling that my wolf didn't like at all.

I got outside and saw that there was snow everywhere, but it was April 13th, it was still my birthday and I knew for a fact that it was spring. I walked on the snow ignoring how the snow was cold on my still bare feet, I knew I would probably get frostbite but I had to get back to the house.

"Where are you going?" A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw that it was Paul, I hadn't seen him since the day he had found out that I was the Ice Queen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him confused.

"'I am just making some research on the things you used to deal with." Paul said to my surprise.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, what was he talking about.

"I'm talking about all the pack and gangs business of yours Snow, you had me fooled for a whole but after you left the territories there were some things that didn't make sense, you see people followed you around like lost puppies and then they would do whatever you wanted them to do which I found odd since you really never hold an amount of power that would make people be afraid of you and then after I followed you around I understood what you were." Paul said as he glared at me."

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I took a step back.

"I saw what ball of freaks you are with, all those people that you live with your adopted brother and Damien Fields. You are some kind of creatures that shift into a black wolf and I also saw you fight will all of them." Paul said and I stared at him blankly.

"What do you win with this?" I asked him in a tried voice.

"I have enough evidence to exhibit to the world what kind of freaks you all are." Paul said as he looked at me with a smile.

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