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I took a step back and started to think how I was going to get out of here?

'Aria, leave now, I'll be fine.' Dan said through our mind link.

'Are you sure?' I asked him.

'Yes, all that matters now is your baby.' Dan said and I closed my eyes.

I looked around to see if there was a window or door near me, there was one of my right.

"Arianna, I'm here to talk to you, I won't hurt you." The man said but I knew he was lying, I could hear the fake note in his voice.

"Like hell you're not." I said before I shifted into my wolf form.

I sprung out of the window breaking the glass in the process, as I got out I saw that there were more witches waiting outside for me, they threw spell at me but somehow, I was able to not receive it or at least not to have an effect on it.

"Get her!" The man yelled.

I ran away as fast as I could, I was far but not as fast as I wanted since the baby was slowing me down, but I still managed to get out of their range.

The snow was perfect to hide, without even mentioning that it was building up in my fur hiding me from sight. I continued to walk for what seemed hours until I got to a small cave and decided to rest there.

I was back in the mansion, in Rick's mansion. Everything seemed as if it had been set on fire and I could barely recognize the rooms and what was left of the furniture.

Rick as well as the rest of his pack was there, they seemed worried for some reason, as I got closer I got to hear them.

"Are you sure that is them?" Rick asked him.

"Yes, they are looking for her. There is a prophecy about her daughter, she will be powerful, more than anyone can imagine. That is why it's so crucial for them to find Snow now." A man said.

Rick gave a growl that scared nearly all the people in the room myself included.

"Then I guess I will have to go for her." Rick said in a stern voice.

Rick looked at the witch that had been with Nakesha, and she smiled.

"What are we going to do master?" She asked him.

"We are going hunting dear." Rick said with a devious smile.

When I woke up I was back in the cave alone, I looked outside and saw that it was snowing, my wolf gave a small growl and I gave a sigh. For being called Snow and having the last name Winter my wolf was not very fond to snow or cold which I always found ironic since the winter was the favorite season of the year for me. Besides getting tons of presents in my childhood and having no classes it was the time when I could grieve and mourn as long as I could, and nobody would ever ask why.

I got out and started to walk slowly making my way through the snow.

"Aria, there you are." A voice said.

I stopped walking and looked around, that voice had sounded so familiar.

"Aria, look at me." The voice said again.

No, it couldn't be.

Eric? I said in my mind.

"Why did you leave me alone?" His voice said.

I didn't. I said as I shook my head.

"You left me alone." His voice said angry.

I shook my head, this was not real. It was mind trick and all I was doing was imagining his voice in my head when it was not real, Eric was not here.

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