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1,000 years ago

Eighteen-year-old Y/N, a resident of the secluded town of Kettle Springs nestled beneath the J in Jersey, leads a life shaped by the unique surroundings of his hometown. His father, Sheriff Dunn, serves as a prominent figure in the community, ensuring the safety and order of this tight-knit, hidden enclave.

Kettle Springs, with its tight community bonds and hidden charm, offers a backdrop to Y/N's upbringing. The town, concealed beneath the shadows of the J, paints a picture of a place where everyone knows everyone, and secrets are shared like treasures among friends. Sheriff Dunn, Y/N's father, plays a vital role in maintaining the harmony of this tranquil haven.

One morning, Y/N was having breakfast with his dad when duty called. There was a flood at Mrs. O Mallet's barn, and Sheriff Dunn had to head down and help sort things out.

"That's what happens when you build a barn so close to the lake," he remarked casually before leaving.

Y/N, left with his half-eaten breakfast, just shrugged.

Later at school, Y/N finds himself in an eerily quiet environment. To his surprise, he discovers that he's the only student there. It seems like all the other teens had decided to kick off an early spring break, leaving Y/N completely unaware of the change in plans.

He looks around the empty halls, a bit puzzled, and mutters to himself, "Guess I missed the memo on the impromptu vacation."

Y/N takes a seat in the nearly empty classroom, and his History teacher, Mr. Vern, does a double-take upon seeing an actual student.

Mr. Vern, with a surprised expression, confesses, "Well, didn't expect anyone to show up today. Didn't exactly plan anything." He quickly scrambles to assemble a makeshift lesson

Mr. Vern, determined to salvage the day's unexpected class, fires up a slideshow on the War of 1812. However, it becomes apparent that the haste to put together the lesson has led to multiple typos in the presentation.

As the slides flicker with historical facts and images, Y/N can't help but notice the amusing errors scattered throughout.

While enduring the typo-ridden history lesson, Y/N's attention shifts as he glances outside. He notices a few flashes of purple and blue in the sky.

Suddenly, the tranquil scene outside is shattered as a blazing meteor crashes to the ground with an earth-shattering impact. A colossal explosion ensues, painting the sky with hues of purple and black that engulf the entire planet in an ominous display.

The once serene city is immediately transformed into chaos as buildings crumble and disintegrate into sand and rubble. Farms and forests, once vibrant and full of life, are obliterated in the wake of the cataclysmic event. The shockwave echoes through the landscape, leaving behind a haunting silence in the aftermath of destruction.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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