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Rohini Bhattacharya [Pa]  (Isha)Age: 19Sweet, softie, exel in music and average in studies

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Rohini Bhattacharya [Pa]  (Isha)
Age: 19
Sweet, softie, exel in music and average in studies

Rohini Bhattacharya [Pa]  (Isha)Age: 19Sweet, softie, exel in music and average in studies

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Apparajita Sinha Roy [Ink]  (Krishna)
Age: 23
Tomboy, savage, very brilliant, intern lawyer

Divyam Sinha Roy [Pran]  (Arjun)Age: 21Disciplined kid, softie, good student, responsible

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Divyam Sinha Roy [Pran]  (Arjun)
Age: 21
Disciplined kid, softie, good student, responsible

Niladri Bhattacharya [Pat]   (Partha)Age: 21Undisciplined, foolish, good in studies, handsome

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Niladri Bhattacharya [Pat]   (Partha)
Age: 21
Undisciplined, foolish, good in studies, handsome

Jayant Sinha Roy  (Bablu)
Age: 25

Sujato Bhattacharya  (Birsha)
Age: 25
English Teacher

Soumendra Sinha Roy (Bapi)
Age: 50

Prarthana Basak Sinha Roy (Momma)
Age: 47
History professor

Srinath Sinha Roy (Kakai)
Age: 47

Soma Sinha Roy (Choto maa)
Age: 47

Avijit Bhattacharya (Baba)
Age: 50

Chandana Ganguli Bhattacharya (Maa)
Age: 45
House maker

Parag Bhattacharya (Dadu)
Age: 72
Retired Police

Gaytri Bhattacharya (Didu)
Age: 70
Ex teacher

Dahan Sinha Roy (Dadai)
Age: 74

Chandrima Sinha Roy (Didun)
Age: 68
House maker

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