Day 2.75

3 1 0

Observation Journal Entry #4

Evening, Cloudy Weather

Dinner: Honey, Rosemary, and Garlic Roasted Chicken on a bed of cubed Squash and Potatoes. A goblet of Ambrous Wine. And for dessert, Matcha Yogurt. Which is what I had for breakfast with berries, only the cook soft froze the yogurt, with gentle swirls of honey. Illia, bless the Captain for being a foodie.

Hello Travelers,

I hope you've all been well. It's time to play Fade!

Let me know if I don't explain this well. I've never explained a card game before. You're welcome to give me questions or feedback of any kind!

Fade is a game played with at least two decks of cards. (For longer games or larger groups, use more decks.) I know every Kingdom has their own version of card decks. But I will be using my home Kingdom of Tamana, to explain.

Decks have two colors; red and black.

And four suits of cards; Hearts (red), Diamonds (red), Spades (black), and Orchid (black).

And in each suit, there are 14 types of cards; Jester, Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Viscount, Margrave, Monarch.

There are two Jesters, and the rest of the cards are all in a set of four. So, four Aces, four Twos, and so on, each representing one of the suits.

When you put two decks together, you now have doubles of everything.

The object of the game is to have as many, or as long, of straights as possible. Any colors can be placed side by side to be a straight, and straights must be at minimum three cards. A straight is any sequence of cards from Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Viscount, Margrave, Monarch. Monarch can loop around to Ace and begin again in a circle.

Jesters are called Brights. A Bright can eliminate any Fade in play.

Brights and Fades cannot be used twice.

When the game is started, the dealer deals everyone eight cards to start. Everyone looks at their hands, but only the dealer gets to call the Fade. They can call whatever they want, but they cannot call a Bright to be a Fade Card.

The Fade is called at the beginning of the game, and it renders all cards belonging to it as a Fade Card. So, for example, the game starts, the cards are dealt, and the dealer calls Twos the Fade Cards.

The Fade means that these cards are no longer part of straights. Instead, they are used to send straights out of play into the Grave.

So, a Fade card is how you sabotage your fellow players, or strategically help yourself.

You cannot do anything, until you have a straight on the table.

You only need to be on the table once with a straight to be considered eligible to play on others.

Once a straight is on the field, it is subject to Fade, Splitting, and Stealing.


You Steal a straight from any opponent by placing the next card in sequence that matches their end card's color.

For example:

To Steal a straight of Three (red), Four (red), Five (black).

You would need to play either a Two (red) or a Six (black).

Then you can move the cards in front of yourself, and it becomes your straight.


You can Split your own straights in two, so long as the split doesn't leave either straight with less than three cards. To Split a straight, into two straights, you must use a card in sequence that is an opposite color.

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