Its life 25th chapter

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@Kate0525 guessed correctly ;) GOOD JOB BUDDY! as promised here it is!! PS. SOME SWEARING IS INCLUDED IN THIS CHAPTER!!!




Ding. Dong.

I scrunched my eyebrows together as the doorbell went off. Who could that be? I got up and opened the door. All of the color drained from my face as I saw who it was....

"W-what do you want?" I asked barely above a whisper but he heard me.

"What no welcoming kiss?" He teased, stepping closer.

"Stay away from me" I said, taking a step back.

"Now, now, what fun would that be?" he smirked. "How have you been?" He asked me, running his thumb over my cheek causing me to flinch. He chuckled at my show of weakness. The sound no longer spread warmth through me, but dread.

"What do you want Mike?" I asked stronger this time and pushed his hand away.

"Dont push me away!" He snapped, grabbing my wait and pulling me closer. Before I had time to react his lips were on mine. His lips were nasty and his kissed were too hard and rough. I couldn't move away from him, his hold way far too tight, so, I did the only thing I could do. I bit down on his bottom lip. Hard. He jumped back. I turned to run back in the house but he grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"You stupid bitch!" He yelled, slapping me across the face. I fell on the ground from the force and he kicked me in the stomach, making me lose all the air I had, leaving me gasping for oxygen. I heard Zoe run down the stairs.

"Get away from her you bastard!" She Screamed as she whipped out her phone and called someone. Mike didn't even look up from my body as he kicked me again. About a minute later he was ripped off of me.

"How many fucking times do I have to beat the crap out of you! Stay the hell away from her!" Corbin bellowed as he punched him, again and again and again and, yeah I think you get it. Zoe ran over and knelt beside me.

"Oh my god are you ok?" She gushed as tears ran down her face. A few seconds later

Corbin rushed over to my other side and grabbed my hand. The fury in his eyes melted as he took in my beaten appearance.

"Zo go call an ambulance" He whispered, he spoke to her but his eyes never left mine. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her nod before she got up and scrambled over to where her phone was laying a few meters away on the ground.

"Ally you need to stay with me baby you gotta stay awake" He said quietly as he pushed some hair away from my eyes. Black dots where eating at my vision and I knew I would pass out soon. I heard the sirens in the distance and saw flashing lights.

"I love you" I barely managed to croak out before I completely blacked out.

********CORBINS POV********

I was sitting on the couch watching a movie when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I questioned into the receiver

"Corbin you gotta get over here now! Mike-" She rambled on but I hung up the phone as soon as she said his name and ran out of the house and down the street. It didn't take me more than a minute to reach them and I felt anger bubble inside of me as I saw the prick kick her again. I was like a bull with red in front of me, I sprinted over to her and threw that jerk off of her.

"How many fucking times do I have to beat the crap out of you! Stay the hell away from her!" I yelled before pounding his face in over, and over again until her passed out. I quickly walked over to Ally's battered body and kneeled beside her, grabbing her hand. All of my anger instantly died as I took in how fragile she looked.

"Zo go call an ambulance" I whispered, my eyes never leaving Ally's. Zoe quickly got up and grabbed her phone before doing as I told her.

"Ally you need to stay with me baby you gotta stay awake" I whispered, clutching her hand a little tighter, but not tight enough to hurt her. I could feel the tears stinging the back of my eyes. She already had a bruise forming where I'm guessing he slapped her, blood was oozing out of a cut she had from the slap too and he probably broke her ribs again.

"I love you" She croaked out before her body fell limp and I knew she passed out.

"I love you too angel" I whispered, pressing my lips to her forehead before the paramedics rushed over and put her on a stretcher.

A police officer came over to me and Zoe to ask what happened. After I explained why I beat that stupid ass unconscious and Zoe backed me up, we were allowed to leave and go to the hospital.

*************3 1/2 hours later**********

I sat in the chair closest to my angel as Zoe went down to get some coffee. She's been passed out for almost four hours. I was worried but the doctors said it was from the painkillers. I leaned forward and brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face with the hand that wasn't grasping hers.

"Come on Ally, open up your eyes, smile do something" I quietly begged her. "Please" I whispered. I've said this five times all ready but I couldn't help it. She looked so defenseless and I hated it. The only difference from this time and all the other times was her hand slightly tightened around mine. At first I thought it was my imagination but as I looked up from our intertwined hand to her face I saw her beautiful blue eyes staring at me.

"Ally" I breathed " Your awake" I felt like I had to say it to be true, like if I blinked she would be gone again.

"Thank you Captain Obvious" She whispered, her voice rough and horse. I watched a small smile cross her face as my own grew.

"Anytime Sargent Sarcasm" I replied, chuckling a little.I hit the call nurse button and a few moments later Ally's nurse bustled through the door, followed by the doctor.

"Ah great to see you awake Ms. Martin" He said cheerily as the nurse took her blood pressure and ran a few more tests.

"You have quite a few bruises and fractured three of your ribs. Your going to need to stay here over night then we can send you home but you have to get at least five or six days worth of bed rest. Do you understand?" He ordered

"Yes doctor" Ally replied, her voice still coarse

"Want some water" I asked. She nodded her head as I grabbed a bottle from Zoe as she walked in and took a seat on the other side of her bed. Ally gulped down the water before looking from me to Zoe, then back to me.

"So what's going to happen to Mike?" She asked quietly.

"He's going to jail angel" I said softly with a small smile. She nodded her head again before looking over to Zoe.

"Thanks Zo" She said, smiling a little. "Thank you too, again" She chuckled softly as she thanked me too. I smiled,

"Anytime sweetheart" I replied, leaning over and planting a kiss on her soft lips. I meant it, I would beat anyone that touched her and hurt her. I loved her so much it hurt.


AWWWW cute right?!?!?! I thought you guys would like a Corbin POV and this one is pretty long. Please:




And if you have a story please comment it below so I can read it! THANKS FOR READING!


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