Its life 29th chapter

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I'm attempting to make this long-ish so lets see xD listen to song on side!



The remaining days flew by so fast and before I knew It there was one more day left. As I woke up I sighed, one more day. Then I remembered, today was my birthday! I jumped out of my bed and took a shower before throwing on a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top. I quickly put my hair up in a messy bun and went back into my room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE!" Zoe yells, I laugh and she grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs. "This is sort of a double-thing..." She trailed off as we rounded into the living-room. I was confused until everyone jumped out.

"Happy birthday!" They all chimed. I realized then she meant it was a birthday and a going away party. I felt tears sting in my eyes but I pushed them back and grinned.

"Thanks guys!" I said giving everyone a hug. There was Zoe (obviously) Kay, Jenny, Sabrina, Luke,Casey,Johnny,Tyler, and a few more people from school, but I felt my grin dim as I saw he wasn't there. of course not I thought You stupidly blurt it out and ruined everything, just like you always do, just like Mike said.


"You stupid bitch why do you always have to ruin everything!" Mike screamed at me, drunk. I didn't answer which seemed to get him angrier. " Answer me!" He bellowed slapping me hard across the face, I winced. "You always ruin everything you good for nothing slut!" Another slap, followed by a swift kick to my sides.

**end flashback**

I jumped a little as Luke shook me slightly. "You ok Al?" He asked worried.

"Y-yeah" I said, clearing my throat and smiling. His face relaxed.

"Well, happy eighteenth!" He exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"Thanks" I said, pulling away awkwardly. He frowned a little.

"It will always be him" He muttered under his breath but I heard it. Everyone else was talking off in corners so no one could hear us.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"It's always him, he hurts you but you still go back. Its like dumping gasoline on a fire" He explained "Can't you see how bad he is for you Al?" He asked desperately.

This got me angry "No, no I don't. No one has ever made me feel more alive and happy then he does. No one can make me laugh when I'm about to cry like he can. "No one will ever be able to love me like him. I have never loved anybody more than I love him, I want to stop but I just can't, the world wants to make me love him no matter how bad it hurts. There's always more good than bad and it's no different in this case" I said angrily, then turned on my heal. He grabbed my wrist.

"Ally I didn't mean it like that, I don't want to leave it like this, I'm sorry" He said quietly. I turned around and nodded once before taking my wrist out of his grasp.

"Ok" I said " But I gotta go" I said, walking over to say hi to everyone else.

We had cake and watched some movies and just hung out, the whole night I waited for him but he never showed. I sighed and went upstairs to sleep.


I got up and did my normal morning routine, my flight wasn't until tonight so I was fine. I grabbed some cereal and quickly ate it before dashing up to my room to grab the sealed letters I wrote the night before. One was to Mr. and Mrs. Greene and the other was to...him.

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