the light from the sun shines through the window, Iris wakes up and is getting ready to start the day, while her mother prepares breakfast for Iris with William.
"good morning Mother," says Iris while running downstairs
"ah good morning, come here and eat your breakfast," says Mother while putting down the plate
" Okay," says iris
Iris sat on a chair and enjoyed her morning meal with her family, Iris sat on a chair and enjoyed her morning meal with her family, she realized that her father was not there, so she asked her mother.
"mother," says Iris
"yes Iris?" says mother
"where's father ?" Iris ask
"Oh.. your father has been called by the guild so he has to go to work early...oh but don't worry your father will be back in the evening "
"okay," says Iris
after breakfast, Iris say goodbye to her mother and then left the house to head out to the fountain to meet her friend. on her way, to the fountain she passed the market, she saw people putting up flags and street decorations as if there was a festival to be held. she was curious about what festival would be held so later she would ask his new friends.
iris walked closer to the fountain, she saw his friend sitting beside the fountain. then she ran towards the fountain wanting to greet her friend. but when she got closer, she saw her friend was talking to someone next to her, it was a boy who looked almost her age or older. he was curious about who that guy was. anyway, she still tried to greet her friend.
"good morning!." says Iris, while waving her hand toward her friend
both her friend and the boy next to her, they both turned their heads toward Iris. her friend waved back towards her.
"good the plan was that I became your guide to get to know the city right? only that right ? "says the friend
"yup! But also to have fun and to get to know each other better!...AH!.. I remember! yesterday I haven't introduce my self, right? you also have introduced your self!" says Iris
"haha..yes we haven't introduced our selfs," says the friend
then there's a sound of someone trying to hold their laughter, the sound comes from the boy beside her friend. his expression looks like he really wanna laugh. her friend looks annoyed with the boy's behavior.
"what's so funny ?.." her friend ask.
"hahaha... sorry it just..pfftt-... you guys are friends but didn't tell each other names!..its just funny." the boy says
"Hey!!." says her friend
" its is kinda funny..haha.. well why dont we intoduce our selfs now! includes you!" says iris while pointing her finger toward the boy.
her friend that introduce her self first, "haah fair name is lily nice to meet you..and the annoying boy beside me is my neigbour".
"hey! im not that annoying...and also my name is gladiolus nice to meet you" says the boy beside lily.
"nice to meet you too! my name is iris..i hope we can get along well" says iris with a smile in her face
" that we have introduce our selfs lets get going" says lily
"okey!" says iris
"hm...where should we show her first ?" gladiolus ask
'"lets go over there" says lily