falling in love with master's son, part 1

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I would like to tell you all , no offence to anyone , any country , it is all history which is sadly true but present generations are not responsible. this oneshot is written in timeline of 1858-59 of India, so and situations were really like this so to suit the story line better , i can't cut it out. This Oneshot consist of maximum three and , minimum two parts, please do share your opinions, I wanted to write about the knowledge we Indians have since ancient time and support for LGBTQ and it's not a disease of west which came to India many scenes will come in next part mentioning the open mindness and rich diversity India contains.

"The crown has officially taken over the company's rule, the masters of India changing yet not , Queen has become the lord of India too, another colony to add in long list of British crown owned colonies..." read the headlines of English newspaper . 

"1857 is a reminder for a long time to come for British to never trust the natives as they back stabbed their owner masters in greed of money and power , the ones who were caring for them" A boy translated the lines of newspaper in vernacular language, feeling a seething anger in his veins.  

"They are showing as the culprit and playing the victim's card now... Bhagwan(God) knows how long it will take for us to get freedom..?" the 84 year old man sitting near the boy said , Freedom a new idea Indians have started to weave the dreams about , after 100 years long rule of East India Company over their mother land, and all credit goes to brave sepoys and mutiny fighters, they ignited this fire , fire of freedom and fought for overly 1 year, so near to drive the Britishers out but some of their own brothers back stabbed.

"Shubman bhaiya your father has called for you... he said you need to be there in no time.." a little girl informed and thew boy reading newspaper looked up . "ok baba I have to go now as my father called , let's meet tomorrow here.." he said giving the newspaper back to shopkeeper. Shubman entered  his home, taking his mojri (jutti, a kind of footwear) off, he noticed an extra pair of shoes also , wait shoes, in their home. He saw his father sitting on the floor infront of a man , who was sitting on the chair, shubman felt anger, his blood boiling. 

"master , he is best for it.. don't just believe me take a test of his capabilities" his father said deep in the conversation, his mother standing behind the wall of their kitchen, veil covering her face, quietly listening the conversation. "Father you called me?" He asked catching the attention of two men, "OH you are here son.. yes I called you .. you remember him..  collector of our district...,  Mr. Audrey"  his father said while motioning him to bow down , knowing how rebellious he can be. "ah yes I do, it's nice to meet you Mr. Audrey.." Shubman said bowing down, weird that the said men is wearing his boots, of leather in their holy house , how dare of him. 

"my son, he is here to give you work" his father said happily, he fastly looked at his father "what work? I am not becoming one of their dog..?" he remarked , eyes furious , how can his father even think of this .  "So you are hot blooded young man.. Shubman is your name right?.. I like your attitude.." "don't worry my boy , I am not here to make you a dog.. I am here to give you a real job.." the man smirked , stressing on the word dog. "what kind of job..?" he asked in English, "that's good you know English , as you see my son over there do not know that much of local language here..." Shubman looked at the corner , a boy standing there may be 19 year old , and then he noticed the bare feet of boy. 

"I want you to be his caretaker until he is here..." Shubman looked back at the man "How long?' he knows saying no will sad his father and after all caretaking of the young little boy , he can do this. "for three months..as he is here for his vacations .." Shubman saw the mentioned boy standing silently. "Okay but I will come back home every night , he can sleep by himself at least .. wouldn't need to sing lullabies for him.." Shubman smirked insulting the boy , who just looked down, after giving him a smile , wait what smile? and Britishers and why don't he look English at all?. Shubman thought .

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