Falling in love with master's son part 3

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The last one ...of this series.

To say Shubman was not happy was a wrong thing , he was glowing . it's been two weeks when they came back , he still feel goosebumps , remembering Ishan asking to make love and he did , who would say no.                                                              

"Hello, where to Romeo..?" Abhishek asked , he was going to Ishan's home "to Ishan's.." and his friends snickered. Shubman ignored them and went ahead, he was eager to take Ishan to his home as his mother invited him for dinner tonight, it was already five thirty in the evening. 

Sarah opened the door for Shubman who just ignored her and went to his lover's room , there was Ishan, wearing a cute cardigan , checking himself in the wood carved mirror , Shubman walked up to him, hugging his lover from back, who smiled at him through the mirror. 

"You are looking so pretty my priye (dear).. uff is that a lip gloss you applied.." and Ishan nodded timidly, he loved being pretty but could not , as not everyone can let you be free and happy. "are you planning to kill me, wearing these boots, this cute sweater of yours , lip gloss and wait you are wearing these star earrings.. I gifted ".

"am I not looking good Shubi ? I wanted to impress your mother..." ishan asked , his hands over Shubman's which were placed on his waist, Shubman's face was resting at his lover's shoulder, eyes having contact with others. "is this so.. why do I feel something else.." he chuckled , "what darling?" Ishan asked his doe eyes wide in curiosity. 

"are you impressing my mother or seducing  me, my priye" Ishan felt his cheeks redden , he hit his lover, who just kissed his eyes "you are looking heavenly baby ..so  much that I am having second thoughts about the dinner " "what second thoughts ..darling ?" Ishan asked pecking his boyfie's lips. 

"Making love to you, while you look at our body tangled together through this mirror..." Shubman whispered, nibbling on Ishan's neck who sucked in a deep breath "Nahh..hh... Shubi..hh." Shubman looked at his art , satisfied . "let's go my priye.." .

"Master please sit here.." Shubman's mother said and Ishan smiled. they both were having dinner sitting on the floor , the sweet lady serving them. "master would you like to have it more..?" Ishan nodded , he has learnt good Hindi in past weeks all credits to Shubman. "please don't call me master , I am same as Shubman , do call me son , maa.." the lady smiled .

"Shubman why don't you tell the name of the beauty, you always talk about... or bring her here to meet me.. your father is thinking of your marriage.." Shubman coughed , and Ishan was on the verge of becoming a tomato. he stole a glance of his lover , who looked away, so cute. 

Shubman's mother went to kitchen to refill the food. "the beauty , you talk about my darling , Shubman..." Ishan teased his boyfriend, who looked here and there , saw his mother immersed in her task, "you know baby, I have a very beautiful lover what can I do , when I want to just ..." "what you want to?" Ishan asked and soon there were lips on his , a quick smooching kiss "This and many more my priye.." Shubman sat back , his mother came and noticed Ishan's face. 

"are you all right son.. your face is heating up..?" "oh leave it maa .. just give me the food.." Shubman helped his stuttering lover. "but Shubman your father told me to ask you if the girl is of our caste, you know that we don't want stupid problems in society.." this time Ishan choked on his food. caste, he is not even a pure Indian. 

Few days later...

Ishan was in his bathroom when his father entered in his room. "how much time will you take my son?" he asked , "just 10 more mins daddy.." came the reply. Mr. Audrey looked at the books lying on table , he started to sort them smiling at his son's frustration showing through the way books were sprawled . his smile stopped when he noticed a book named "Kamsutra " .               "children these days.." Mr. Audrey chuckled , ofcourse he know what this book is about . but what seriously took his breath away was the page folded and where bookmark was . 

The color from his face faded, when he read about sexual intercourse between two men, he noticed another book "Manusmriti" , the pages of punishment written down of getting intimate at inappropriate time, a line highlighted clearly explaining that the punishment for both homosexuals and heterosexuals are same , there is no discrimination. 

The more he looked , the more he saw , there were photos from Ishan's recent trip to Khajuraho , of erotic sculptures, same sex couples and so on. he took the papers written so neatly by Ishan in his hand . 

Ishan came out from the bathroom , smiled at his father , who tried to smiled back. "Ishan what is this all about?" his dad asked showing him the recent papers, he wrote. Ishan felt the ground slip under his feet. "daddy please listen to me.." oh how he wish Shubman to be here .                     "I understand my darling you don't need to explain me but why these papers...?" Ishan looked at his dad , he understands

"Dad, i am working on them.. I want to prove the truth.." his father hugged him, "My son , I love you the same now, as I have loved you always, Your sexuality doesn't change things.. but please don't prove it or even try, I don't want to lose you.. " "dad what are you saying?" he was hella confused, he never expected that his father would support him, this fast . 

"My son , You can love whoever you want but don't try to be a hero you don't know , outcomes can be worst ..." Ishan nodded tiredly, he thought of Shubman and his father . 'it's okay anyone else would come and do it...' he looked at his research papers, and burnt them in the firewood in his room.

Shubman entered in his boyfriend's room by window. "my priye looks sad , what happened baby?" he asked making Ishan sit in his lap, wrapping both of them in blanket , their routine. "dad knows..." Shubman stilled , after a moment , he took his palms in his hand. "how did he reacted priye? I wish, I was with you.." Ishan smiled , kissing his hands. "He accepted but I didn't tell him about us when he asked, I can't risk your life my swami" and shubman laughed . 

Oh how much perfect Ishan would be as a wife , no gender labels needed, Shubman wants to make Ishan his for forever, right at this moment. 

"well how did he get to know ?" and Ishan told him , who could not help but kiss his cute priye's puffed up cheeks. "well, Abhishek knows too but he also accepted , he saw our kiss in my home so.." they both were happy , at least they have some support so what if not of world's. 

Not every story needed to have angst and villain, sometime you can dodge all of them as they both did , just wanting to love each other . so it happened , a beautiful ,everlasting love story took place amidst the ongoing various scenarios, not every one need to be a hero, or a fighter to survive , being a human is enough. Shubman never married nor Ishan , but behind the doors of their home they did, the very same day when Ishan called him my swami for first time, shubman couldn't help but do take 7 vows of life and eternity with Ishan who was blushing madly .

That room witnessed, their journey from being strangers to lovers and later to become two bodies but one soul. 

Ishan went to back to London, but with his lover to achieve knowledge and came back in the peaceful serene of mother India, spending their life happily, hurdles were there but they managed to cross them all.

Setting the expectations of lovers high, if someone get to know about their  love story, the bravery would be their present filling the present one, bravery to keep loving, finding happiness in most odd situations.


Thank you for reading it. 

It ends here , but ideas are infinite as human never stops thinking, imagining . It was something I was planning to write but now the time is to work on my other story "Destined " and complete it, once again thanks for love and support.

destined update?

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