Short Story - PART 3

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"You look like you've been crying all night."

Willa held her head up with as much dignity as she could.

"That's because I have been crying all night. And now it's time to make it look like I haven't."
Laura approached, starting the established routine that had been set years ago between the two of them.

"Why were you crying," she softly asked.

Willa let the soothing rhythm of Laura's brushing settle her. She met the woman's gaze in the mirror that was in front of them.

"Laura...if I marry- would you come with me?"

"Of course," Laura didn't even pause to think.

"I wouldn't want you to leave your family behind-,"

"You already know my boy passed away...and my husband. I've put all my energy into keeping you in line these past years. That's job enough. I don't have much holding me here except you."

Laura bent down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Willa's head.

"Now- tell me the reason for why you cried all night."

"I can't - not now at least. Later, when everything is solved."

Laura made a soft noise of protest, but didn't say anything else.

"I'm going to meet with father- so I need to look respectable."

"Is that wise? Everyone heard of what happened the other day at the training grounds. Usually you would wait a few days to let off."

"It has to be today. Otherwise, I'm just going to back out of it and run away."

"Run away?" There was amusement in Laura's eyes. Willa didn't have the heart to tell her that she was being serious.

"Okay," Willa looked in the mirror after Laura had stepped away, nodding in approval. "I'm ready." 

"Good luck," Laura waved her off, "whatever it is you have to say, I hope it all goes well."

Willa nodded, pushing her shoulders back and trying her best to keep a strong resolve.

She stopped in front of her father's office. Three deep breaths. Hold it together. She had made her choice. She had decided to follow father's advice and actually listen to him.

She wasn't a child.

And she did care about her country.

She really and truly loved it and the people around her.

She knocked on the door, waiting for several seconds before Wilmot opened it.

"Princess," she saw the slight glare of disapproval from him. Wilmot had always had a stick up his ass when it came to her. Probably how he had been able to throw her under the carriage so quickly at the council meeting.

But that didn't matter now.

"I need to talk to my father."

Wilmot was already shaking his head.

She startled him by pushing him aside.



The King and Liron looked up. They had been looking at a map of the countries. Willa stared as she saw clear battle lines and strategies. Already making plans for future conflict.

"Willa- I don't have the time or energy-"

"I'm going to marry the Fall Prince."

Stunned silence soon followed.

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