Chapter 3 - The Sacrifices

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TW: Character Deaths

The next day, Yaya already woke up and prepared the supplies for everyone's breakfast. Ice told Solar that Thunderstorm, Blaze, Thorn, and Fang are all safe and sound. But they didn't have any clue about Quake's condition. Solar was relieved to hear such great news.

Ice reported to Ochobot about Fang's attempts on contacting TAPOPS that failed. Ochobot understood and tried to send SOS messages to the space station. He sighed, "It's pretty hard, but I can feel that it'll work eventually. Don't worry, I'll try to send SOS messages everyday. Let's focus on building the shelter too. If possible we should try to rebuild the ship too but the parts of the ship are under Tok Aba's Kokotiam." said Ochobot.

"The atmosphere is too thick though, what if it'll blow up again?" asked Yaya.

"We can ask for the Master of the Wind element in Windara." Said Ochobot. "For now, all we can do is prepare."

Everyone nodded and started working to enlarge the shelter. It took about a week of everyone's hard work to finish the shelter, they also made another part of the shelter underground with Yaya's help.

Every night, Ice and Blaze shared their experiences, also to check on each other's groups status. After a week, Blaze's arms and abdomen are recovered fully, after letting Thorn check on them. Ice had sent them the shelter's coordinates.

Thunderstorm said, "We should move now, they let us go before. They won't let us go again."

"I agree, let's go now. Take as much supplies as you can. But keep it light, we'll most likely fight them.." said Fang.

The four of them went down the hotel building and snuck out. It was night time, they're well hidden by the rumbles' shadow. Thunderstorm lead the group, focusing on every step they take.

Until a sudden gust of wind blew before them, within those winds, a chilling melodic hum from a young man. "...Damn it... is it him?" Whispered Blaze. Thunderstorm tensed up. He knew Cyclone the best after all, he nodded.

"...what should we do now..?" Asked Thorn.

"Proceed our mission." Said Fang. "Be extra vigilant.."

Blaze and Thorn nodded. They tried to sneak past Cyclone as best as they could. They must have forgotten that..

"Every step, every breath, and every heartbeat. All were heard by the Wind." The humming stopped. Everyone was silent. Holding their breaths.

Yet another gust of wind blew, behind Thunderstorm, a pair of arms was wrapped around the young man's shoulders, "Oh, brother. How I have missed you.." Cyclone chuckled.

Without hesitation, Thunderstorm summoned his blade and slashed through Cyclone, another wind made illusion. "Damn it! Run! Now!" Commanded Thunderstorm. The group nodded and started running towards the coordinate as fast as they could.

"Thorn! Go to the front!" Said Fang. Thorn nodded and ran to the front of the group. Blaze summoned his chakrams and helped Thunderstorm to defend the group.

"Don't forget~" said Cyclone. "I'm not alone right now..." he smirked.

Thunderstorm eyes widened as he saw Gopal stood up from his hiding, and gestured a shooting from a distance towards Thorn.

"Thorn! Look out!" Blaze shouted as he held Cyclone's wind drills with his chakrams. Thunderstorm can't waste anymore precious seconds, he stormed his way towards Thorn as Gopal shot his molecule manipulation beam. This time, the beam wasn't as merciful as the one he shot Fang before.

Thunderstorm pushed Thorn away in a flash, and the beam hit his back.

"AAAARRGHH!!" He screamed in agony as the beam quickly disabled all the molecules in his body, making the once fast as lightning speed of his body gone just like that.

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