Chapter 4 - The Responsibility

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TW: Character Deaths

The time was on Wednesday afternoon, the eldest three of the septuplets were doing their school's homework. They were in elementary school at that time before they even met Fang and Kaizo. They're in different classes, that's why their homeworks is different for each person. Thunderstorm had mathematics, Cyclone had art and crafts, while Quake had history homework.

While the rest of the siblings had extra school activities, except for Ice who is sleeping. Also, Ochobot who was helping Tok Aba.

"Thundy!" Called a young boy in blue. The boy who was being called perked up from his homework. "Cyclone.. what is it this time?" He asked. "Can you help me with my homework??"

Thunderstorm let out a little sigh, though it was nice to see things other than numbers. "What was the homework?"

"I have to draw my family members! But I don't know if I can fit all of us in one paper.." he said.

"Uh.. do we have more paper?" Asked Thunderstorm. "I think not.. Thorn and Blaze used most of them to make paper frogs." Answered Quake, also interested in his brothers' conversation.

"Let's go to the store to buy a new drawing book.. We can use the center page to draw a larger picture!" Said Thunderstorm.

"That's a great idea!" Said Little Cyclone while clapping his hands excitedly. Quake shook his head, "Atok just paid for our tuition fee yesterday, we can't ask for more money from Atok.."

"..oh.." Cyclone said, sad that he can't draw a perfect picture of his family. "Oh..? Why the long face, Cy..?" Asked Thorn, who just went home with Blaze and Solar.

"We don't have enough money to buy a new drawing book..' said Cyclone. "I can't finish my homework.."

"Money?" Asked Blaze. "Ah! I have an idea!" Said Solar. He took off his shoes and ran to his room, taking his little piggy bank with him.

"We can combine all of our money to buy a new drawing book!" he smiled.

"Ahh! Okay!" Said Blaze and Thorn excitedly running to their own rooms to take their piggy banks. Well, a rooster piggy bank for Blaze's. Blaze managed to take Ice who was holding his whale piggy bank. Ice was wide awake, waving his hand lazily while still holding the piggy bank.

Thunderstorm and Quake smiled at their little brothers' effort to buy Cyclone a new drawing book. The eldest three also stood up and went to their shared room to get their own savings. All of them pull out their savings and put it all on the table.

"Uh... it's about.. 10 ringgits!" Said Solar while counting some cents. "It's enough to buy the drawing book. We also have spares!"

"How about we buy ice cream for all of us?" Asked Blaze. "We can buy some for Atok too!"

Ice nodded in agreement, Quake, again in a worried tone, "Shouldn't we just save the money?"

"It's okay, Quake." Said Thunderstorm tapping his brother's shoulder. "If it's making the younger ones happy, I don't mind. How we split up the money.. 5 ringgits for our drawing book and ice cream, the rest will go back to our piggy banks."

"Each of you guys can have 1 ringgit." Thunderstorm continued.

"But there are seven of us." Replied Solar. Cyclone took 5 ringgits and gave them back to Quake, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, and Solar.

"Eh? You didn't want your money back, Cy?" Asked Ice.

Cyclone shook his head, "No, it's fine! Just as Thundy said, I don't mind either! Plus, you guys already gave your money to buy me a new drawing book so.."

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