1 | Of homecoming and retrouvaille

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In the quaint town of Everwood, where the snow painted the landscape in a pristine white, stood Elara in front of a little house, one she was supposed to call home.

It was anything but.

A sigh tumbled out before she turned the key and pushed the door open. A creak, one that tore through her heart, echoed through the stillness. She hesitated by the entrance before collecting herself and stepping in.

The air inside was cold. Yet again, no fire could ever warm this place. She wandered through silent rooms, each step echoing in the emptiness the only sound being the hushed whisper of the wind outside. Dust particles covered everything, mocking the desolation that now enveloped the space as the house seemed suspended in time.

Elara couldn't shake the feeling of displacement, as if she were a visitor in her own life. Returning to a house filled with shadows rather than memories was a burden, but it also presented an opportunity she couldn't ignore.

What better time for closure than when her mother was finally six feet under?

With newfound resolve and a forced smile, Elara faced the stairs. Every piece of her past was going to be sold or donated. She vowed not to leave a single trace behind.


As Elara supervised the loading of boxes onto trucks, her focus was momentarily interrupted by the distant sound of a car pulling into the driveway next door. A man stepped out.

Whistling under her breath, she tried to discreetly conceal her overt gaze.

His tall frame was accentuated by the lengthy coat he donned, showcasing rather than concealing his masculine contours. Wrapped snugly around his neck, a scarf provided a shield against the biting cold.

His features were vaguely familiar, triggering a distant memory from high school, but Elara couldn't quite place him. The passage of time had wrought changes, and he now carried an air of maturity and confidence that eclipsed any recollection she might have had.

The man approached her with a friendly smile, and Elara couldn't help but feel a subtle flutter of curiosity and familiarity. "Hey there!" he greeted, his voice warm and resonant. Removing one of his gloves, he extended his hand for a handshake that she accepted, impressed by his respectful gesture. It was hot. "I see you're in the process of a big move."

His touch was warm. She shivered, wanting more of it. Schooling her features, she smiled politely, still grappling with the realization that this was someone she once knew. "Yes, just clearing out some old memories."

A thoughtful expression crossed his face. "Elara, right?"

Surprised that he knew her name, she nodded with an awkward giggle. "Yup, that's me. Have we met before?"

If not, how could she have missed this fine specimen?

He chuckled. "It's been a while. I'm Kale, Kale Bennett. We went to high school together."

Recognition dawned on Elara's face as she slowly connected the dots. "Kale! Wow, you've changed. It's been ages."

He certainly did. Those braces had disappeared, replaced by a heart-stopping smile. His timid nature was nowhere to be seen as he carried himself with the confidence of a runway model. Yet, his humility withstood the jaw-dropping transformation he underwent as he scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "Yeah, it's been years."

Fuck, Elara balled her fists inside her pockets. He looked scrumptious. "So, what're you doing here in Everwood?"

"Just back for the holidays, visiting family and all. Didn't expect to find you here, though." Understandable. She hasn't stepped foot here since she left. "What brings you back?" There was a brief moment of silence before he quickly added, "If that's okay to ask, of course."

She shrugged. "Mom finally bit the dust, so I'm just emptying the house and selling everything."

Caught off guard by her casual tone regarding her mother's death, he stammered, "Uh, I'm sorry for your loss-"

"I'm not," she interrupted with a quiet laugh.

"May she rest in peace-"

"I hope not."

Kale paused to digest what she said, shook his head, and then met her light blue eyes with his green ones. "Should I not wish her peace?"

"I'd prefer not," Elara grinned. "I hope she suffers."

Awkwardness hung in the air and slowly subsided when one of the workers called for Elara. After giving them more instructions, she turned to a quiet Kale.

The way he stood, hands in his pockets, head tilted to the side, with a thoughtful expression on his face, reminded her of their high school years. He's always been the quiet kid, small, scrawny, and introverted. He didn't interact much with anyone, rarely ever with her loud and obnoxious younger self.

Elara wanted to jump him right there and then. She swallowed, squeezing her thighs before clearing her throat. "Sorry for making this awkward. It's just, as you've guessed...Mom and I didn't have the best of relationships." He slowly nodded and she almost pouted, berating herself for ruining the moment they had. "Well, thank you for stopping by. I wouldn't want to delay you from meeting your loved ones!"

Her little speech was accompanied by a sheepish laugh and followed by more silence. She was about to curse when he blinked, allowing a small smile to overtake his face.

"No, it's fine. I was wondering," he paused briefly and she almost opened his mouth to extract the words. "Would you like to meet up for dinner or something?" He quickly added, "To catch up, you know."

Fuck yeah, Elara was screaming and fist-bumping the air on the inside. "Yeah, sure."

Word count: 936

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