Chapter Sixty-Four - Cold Cooper

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The icy walkway was slick with cold water far below freezing. My saturated socks made my feet feat like icicles. I was already in a panic, every frantic breath I took siphoning away more and more of my precious body warmth.

"Nate!" I screamed at the metal door, hammering it with the side of my fist. But it was no use. I shivered and rubbed my bare legs with my hands. It only felt warmer for a moment though before a crisp chill winter breeze nipped at my thighs, stealing away any comfort.

My fast labored breaths made it seem like steam was coming out through my nose. It was so cold that it was hard to even keep my feet still on the frozen ground. I kept having to pick them up, so desperate for even a moment's relief that I was forced into a ridiculous impromptu dance - looking like I was walking over hot coals, or I was in the midst of a potty emergency.

I had quickly come to realize that Nate wasn't coming back. My tears froze as soon as they trickled from the corners of my eyes, leaving their painful icy cold trails streaming down my cheeks. How could he have done this? Sure, he was a bully - but I was now in very real danger. I might actually freeze! I was certain to if I didn't do something. I knew I had to decide - and fast. Either I could try to run around to the front door, or else I could stay put and hope someone would open the emergency door Nate had thrown me out of. Running around in the snowy gravel parking lot didn't seem too appealing in just my socks, but staying still wasn't a good option either. The hallway had been deserted. I needed to get someone's attention!

I hammered on the door again. "H-h-elp!" I screamed as loud as I could. "H-H-H-HELP!" I repeated. I was fully crying now, sniveling like a little toddler demanding attention. I needed it though - desperately. All I could do was shout and cry. My phone was locked away in my snowsuit pocket, it may as well have been on Mars.

It wasn't long however before I couldn't even form words anymore - and my hand hurt from banging on the door. I just started bawling, hyperventilating and scared. Nate had really got me this time. I wasn't even thinking up all the danger I was in, though. For some reason all I could think was that once I got inside, I would have to go home, and I would miss swim up.

I gave up on the door. I had no other choice but to try to get to the front entrance. I started to make my way around the pre-school building, wincing at each slow step. Eventually my feet stopped hurting. In fact I could barely feel them at all. I knew that wasn't a good sign.

I was hysterical now, and I wasn't thinking straight. I was just so emotional, and cold, and terrified that all of Nate's stupid threats mixed together with all my own fears so that I was a complete nervous wreck. If I missed swim-up, did that mean I would have to stay a Beaver forever? Could Nate make me a kit again? Could he put me back in preschool? Could he somehow cast some crazy magic spell and make everyone think I was only two years old? That was when I slipped and fell face first into the gravelly snow.

I started wailing like a baby. "WAH-HAA-HAAA!" I sobbed, giving up and accepting my fate. Nate was right. I was a big stupid baby. I couldn't make it all the way to the front like this. I was useless. I couldn't do anything! "AHH-HAAA" I continued.

"COOPER!" I heard, before the hurried plodding of winter boots against the gravel and snow.

I looked up. Zach was there, a terrified look on his face, and Brad was running up not far behind him.

"Cooper!? What are you doing out here!" Zach cried and kneeled down beside me. "Oh my god, he doesn't have any pants or shoes! He's freezing!"

"I-I-I-I'm C-c-c-c-cold" I shivered through my teeth.

"Yeah!" Zach agreed immediately and unzipped his warm looking blue parka and draped it over me like a blanket. It was warm, and I wrapped it greedily around my body - leaving Zach in the cold in just his cub shirt.

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