Chapter Eleven - Laurie's Protection

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Later that evening, I was riding as high as a kite. After the confrontation in the cafeteria, Taylor had thought it best that the Beavers and Cubs break off into their own activities. Just as I'd hoped, we'd gone off to build dams along the creek, our two lodges competing to construct the most effective structure out of twigs, mud, and rocks. The simple competition was more convivial than cut-throat however; with the gaggle of five to seven year olds more committed to splashing their little feet in the shallow water and marveling at the stream parting and reconverging around their dams than crushing their opponents. In the end, our two separate structures had merged into one mega-project, the beavers chatting, yelping, and giggling in excitement about the rest of the weeks' activities, or our favorite television shows, or - in giddy hushed voices away from grown-up ears - our plot to enact Liam's secret plan that very night, after lights out.

Now, with the sun down and the woods consumed in inky blackness, we had reconvened with the Cubs around the campfire. Bradley had plonked himself down at the place beside me, and although at first I'd felt very embarrassed for the neighbor boy to see me in my Beaver uniform and brown tail, his warm smile and easy-going attitude soon coaxed me out of my shell. Really, he just wanted to vent. Apparently, Nate's aunt had led them all on some endless hike through the mountains, and he had blisters all over his feet. I resisted the urge to gloat. Afterall, I'd had the time of my life while they were all trudging aimlessly through the woods!

"What did you get up to?" Bradley asked, now realizing I had only been listening to him.

"We made beaver dams in the creek." I told him, grinning like an idiot. "It was fun."

"I remember when we did that." He told me, smiling. "Zach and I were partnered for it..." He suddenly trailed off and looked serious. "I'm glad you had fun though."

"You and Zach are friends?" I asked a little absentmindedly. This was the first time I had even seen my neighbor and Zach together. I supposed it would make sense. I knew they were both in cubs and they were both in the same year.

"Not really." He said truthfully, then let out a sigh. "He's friends with Nate and the others."

"But you used to be friends?" I questioned further.

Brad nodded, clearly wanting to drop the subject. "What was your favorite part of Dam building?"

"Playing in the creek - Kianna was there too." I gushed, smiling. Kianna had decided to help with the beavers, since Zach had gone on the hike with the cubs. "She's really nice!"

Bradley gave a doting half-smile as I regaled him with stories from my day, patting me affectionately on the tap of my hat before offering me some of his marshmallows.

I was just constructing a haphazard s'more, chortling along to the next silly skit the Bobcats were performing by the light of the fire, when I had a funny feeling that something was missing. I glanced around, taking note of each of the Beavers. Where was Laurie? He'd said he was just going to get his PJs on, but that had been at least 20 minutes ago. Was he still sulking in the cabin all by himself? I couldn't help but feel strangely guilty. Even with all the fun we'd had that afternoon, Laurie had been uncharacteristically quiet, still devastated by the kidnapping of his beloved stuffed animal.

Stuffing down my s'more, a few streaks of ooey gooey chocolate smearing around my lips in the process, I resolved to go find him. It wasn't fair that he was missing out. Besides, I was sure a s'more or two would be just the thing to cheer him up. As I approached the Beaver cabin, the soft sound of sullen sniffling behind the door made my ears prick up. I paused, having a sudden sense that I was barging my nose in where it didn't belong, but then I heard Laurie's voice whimpering out loud and clear.

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