Sir Jadeja runs for a catch! Hardik catches in his stead..

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The story is complete. I am just going to be petty and stretch my updates (though regular). Cause you guys MADE me stretch this non-stretchable story.

btw heads up: This part contains a smudge of smut! 


As they say, the universe has its own plan. You might think, you have your plan and that is how your life is going on.

But no.

You don't know what might be happening next.

Or what might be happening two doors down from yours.

While Kuldeep might have been going crazy from the utter audacity of Shreyas (and KL) to hide about such a news from the rest of the team.

"They're already fucking Iyer. Then what's the point of making those long ass cringe plans while having dinner?"

"For fun, I guess!"


One doesn't know what might be happening down the other end of the corridor half an hour later.


Sir Ravindra Jadeja wastes no seconds to articulate his thoughts.

Cause if you see two of your junior team-mates on their bed, one is making the other arch his back against his chest and make him moan his name in pleasure, topping him into oblivion, you either run out from the place or be shocked enough to break the moment expressing your shock.

Jaddu being Jaddu, chooses to do the later.

Well, slightly good for him, and his eyes, the hotel bedsheet is covering Shub and in turn Ishan's who was under him, form their waist down. That gives Shubman the chance to immediately shift their position and hide Ishan behind him with his own torso. Ishan too straightens up and sits up, yet making himself as small as possible behind his lover.

The couple's face red with embarrassment, breathe heavy and somewhat shocked at being caught at such a compromising position.

A moment of silence passes.

Jadeja is grasping the moment in.

Yet, "What the fuck are you guys doing?" He exclaims again, this time though it is in lower case.

Shubman's expression flattens from his previous embarrassed one, "Having sex Jaddu bhai— oowh! What?" Ishan clearly hits a bonk on his head.

"In the name of all holy Gods I can see that which I clearly shouldn't have but whatever that's not what I'm here for I'm asking why YOU TWO ARE FUCKING? WHY??" Jadeja heaves out.

"Umm cause sex is good." Shubman tries to reason out. Though collecting another smack to his head in the process.

"Shubh no! stop talking. That's not what he is asking."

"Yes that's not what I'm asking!" Jadeja breathes in deep, "Ishan. Shubman. Explain. Sit properly, Ishan don't hide behind him and—"

"No Jaddu bhai" Shubhman frowns, sitting up straight, "Ishan will sit where he's now. Can't let you see him like this." A hint of possessiveness in his voice.

Oh God! Really?

"See, kid, I don't care what Ishan—"

"No Jaddu bhai," Ishan speaks up somewhat shyly, eyes downcast, voice a little low, "I'll say everything from here only."

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