Stan X Reader(Rewritten)

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It started out as a feeling. The feeling of curiosity as the handsome black-haired boy walked by you. It then grew into a hope. The hope of becoming friends and getting closer. Then a quiet thought. The thought so quiet it wouldn't be known by anyone. This was the love of the boy you had become close friends with. Then, that thought grew louder and louder until you couldn't hold it in anymore. You finally confessed your feelings to your best friend, who had started your first feeling since you glimpsed at him for the first time.
"Stan Marsh....I love you."
You handed him a note, looking down in embarrassment. He looked down in confusion and read it. He spoke in a soft, gentle voice and spoke
"(Y/n) I-"
You rubbed your eyes and slammed your alarm clock annoyed. You soon cuddled under the warm covers of your bed.
"I never want to leave this bed." You mumbled, suddenly shooting awake.
"I'm confessing to Stanny today! Oh shit, what the hell am I doing in bed?!" You sprung up out of bed, running over to your wooden dresser.
"Let's see." You searched through your dresser, with your (h/c) curls getting into your face.
"Gotta go for something nice, but not too desperate."
You pushed them away and finally decided on some blue jeans and a new green short sleeved top. You also put on a little bit of makeup, wanting to show off your features. Once you looked into mirror, you smiled, seeing how you looked pretty good.

"Alright, I can do this. I mean, this totally won't ruin my friendship with Stan if this goes wrong." You started talking to your locker, almost a little too loudly. The odd stares made you look away in fear.
"Okay (y/n), just take a deep breath." You took a few, getting more relaxed.
"Stan should be here soon."
"Hey (y/n)" You heard the angelic voice of your best friend walking up to you.
"You wanted to talk?"
"Oh my god he's so hot!" You thought to yourself, blushing a bit at his features. His dreamy blue eyes, raven hair and oh so dreamy smile made you swoon a little.
"(Y/n)?" Stan waved a hand in front of you.
"Oh-oh sorry." You chuckled, trying to play it off and "be cool".
"This way." You lead him to the back of the school, just in case something went wrong. Or something went extremely right. During that time, you began thinking about everything leading up to this, all the memories started flashing in your mind. You've worked for this and after so long, you were finally going to deliver to the one line.
"Stan. I have something to confess."
You pulled out your note and pressed it into his hand. Confused, he opened it and read over. You blushed and looked down, your stomach starting to hurt. Maybe this wasn't the best idea...
"Uh, got you! Aprils fools!" You snatched it back and fake laughed, trying to blink away your tears.
Stan looked incredibly hurt, until he saw your tears, making him concerned.
"(Y/n) I-"
Before he could finished, you sprinted away. You heard Stan calling after you, but you had ran to the girl's bathroom, therefore it was impossible to go after you.
"Damn it! I'm such an idiot!" You kicked the wall in anger, silent screaming at yourself. Tears flowed down your face as you ripped the letter up into tiny pieces, regretting all your feeling for the black-haired boy.

After an eternity of school, you were allowed to escape. You were avoiding Stan all day, although you heard from your friends he was looking for you but you could only ignore them. You were still angry about you embarrassing yourself.
You slammed the door closed at you entered your home.
"Boy trouble?" Your sister asked, fixing her hair while texting her boyfriend
"You know it." You sighed, sitting yourself down into a couch.
"I had a chance, one chance to tell him I loved him. And I screwed it up!"
"Sis, calm down." Her eyes widened as you growled.
"Now stupid Sophia is gonna take and I'm gonna be forever alone! Why is the world so unfair?!"
"Maybe you should go to the park and calm down." She made a face as she took a selfie.
"Fine." You walked outside and headed to the park, extremely angry and jealous.

The stars shined within the night, making the sky seem all the more brighter. You looked up at these ball of fire, realizing it was getting late, mom would be worried sick. You sighed and brushed your hand against the grass, not wanting to leave so soon. Suddenly, you felt someone grasp you from behind.
"(Y/n) I-"
"Please don't talk to me." You whined, unconsciously grabbing the hands wrapped around your waist.
"Why not? Am I not allowed to talk to my best friend?" He questioned, sneering at the fact you held onto his hands.
"No! Well yes, but...I don't deserve it."
"Don't say that." He sat behind you, making you feel better, but you pulled his arms away.
"No I mean I was a snappy idiot, how could you talk to me after what I did in the halls?"
He started laughing, making you blush out of embarrassment.
"Why aren't you with Sophia?!"
"She has a boyfriend you know."
"Even so, she would be a better best friend than me."
"Oh really? Would Sophia be the only girl on the soccer team to get 10 goals in one game."
"No but-"
"And could Sophia be the one to win first prize for her amazing singing skills?"
"What's your point Stanny?"
He chuckled, blushing a bit at the nickname.
"I'm saying you shouldn't doubt yourself because you make one stupid mistake. Hell, everyone makes mistakes. Even me, the star quarter back."
"Ha. Boy do I know." You rolled your eyes with a giggle.
"Like the one time your coach yelled at you because you threw the ball too low so you hit the kid in the nuts."
You both laughed, staying silent afterwards.
"So you get my point?" Stan asked with hopeful eyes. You stared at his blue orbs, getting lost into his eyes.
"Y-yeah I think so.."

The raven-haired boy was the first to make a move. He picked your face up and let your lips collide together in the most wonderful kiss you ever had. Being slightly taller than you, he wrapped his arms around your neck, and you placed your arms around his hips. You sat there for the longest time, kissing him as passionate as you could, letting his hands rub your back as your rubbed his sides. It was perfection, the way you melted together so ambitiously. You didn't want it to end, but of course, you had to breathe. You were the one who pulled back, panting for air as you stood just inches away from one another. Even though you wanted to say "I love you," you couldn't. You wanted to speak, but no words could form from your mouth. However, you have a feeling he knew what you wanted to say, because he smiled gently to you.
"(Y/n), I love you."

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