Tweek X Reader

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You waited in line to get some of the famous Tweak.Bros coffee. Even though you knew they put meth in those, you only came to see Tweek. He was paranoid at times, but that what you like about him. He's so cute and you just want to protect him.
You finally made it to the beginning of the line.
" Hey Tweek."
" O-oh hey (y/n). W-what y-you w-want t-to order?"
"I'll have the usual please."
He nodded frantically and got you your coffee. You paid and sat alone in the corner trying to connect to the wi-fi.
Once you finally got some, you texted Nicole.
" Hey, at Tweak.Bros café. Want me too get you some coffee?"
" I'm good. Why do you keep going there?"
" tbh, I never drink the coffee. I only go their for Tweek."
" Right, I forgot he worked there."
"lol. See u at school."
You threw out your coffee and walked to school.
You were a few miles away from the coffee shop when you felt a tap on your shoulders.
You stopped and turned to see Tweek. You blushed a bit.
" Hey Tweek."
" C-can I w-walk to S-school with you?"
" Sure."
You two talked about school, the future, Visitors. Most of his responses were agh and too much pressure but you didn't seem to mind. Then he had to ask that question.
" Hey (y/n), y-you k-know how you a-always come to the c-coffee shop, b-but you n-never d-drink your c-coffee."
You nodded.
" Shit!"
" W-why do you do t-that?"
" For the free wi-fi."
He was about to ask something else, but you had reached the school door. You waved good-bye to Tweek and went to find Nicole.
You had a long day of school. And it was long and boring. You walked home and felt tired. Then you heard a knock on your door. You answered it to find Tweek.
" Oh hi Tweek."
" Hi!"
Then it was an awkward silent moment.
" So what's up?"
" My m-mom wanted to I-invite yours over f-for dinner."
"What time?"
" I'll let you know, thanks Tweek."
" No problem."
---------------Time skip--------------
It was 6:25pm. You were suppose to be doing art homework. Instead you were going over to Tweek's house. You'll probably be thrown into the basement. You sighed and walked over to his house.
" Hey (y/n), c-come on in."
You entered the small house. It smelled like coffee of course. You were, as you predicted, thrown into the basement. With Tweek. Alone.
" Wanna p-play M-mincecraft?"
You nodded.
----------------one hour.---------------
You and Tweek had built a pretty sweet mansion.
" Ok Tweek, guard the front door while I collect some more material."
" Agh, too much pressure."
You giggled. He didn't seem to notice as he was busy trying to kill the creeper.
"Oh no! It's gonna explode."
You tried to grab his controller but you leaned too far. You squeeze your eyes shut as you feel forward. Only to find you were on top of Tweek. You blushed and helped him up.
" Sorry." You mumbled.
" It's ok." You looked up at him, he had his hand on his neck and was blushing.
You then looked at the tv. The mansion was destroyed.
" Well might as well start over again right?"
It was silent as you and your crush rebuilt the mansion.
"(Y/n), Tweek, come upstairs for dinner."
You grinned at him. He grinned back as you both raced upstairs. You made it to the top but you tripped and fell to the bottom.
" Owww." You said
" Man that fucking hurts."
You heard Tweek going "Ahh!" And running down the stairs.
" You o-ok?"
"Yah I'm fine."
You tried to get up, but you fell.
" I think I sprained my ankle."
He started panicking and running in circles, waving his arms around.
You tried to get up again, but you failed, landing with a thump.
You looked at him. He was...mediating?
You tilted your head. He then opened his eyes, calm and collected.
" Here, let me help you."
He picked you up, carrying you up the stairs. You were trying to act calm, but this was something you had always dreamed of.
He got to the top of staircase.
" (Y/n) can I ask you a very important question?!"
You nodded, blushing like crazy.
" Do you love me?"
You looked at him, his blue eyes piercing your heart.
" Yes." You whispered.
He smiled.
" I love you too."
You gasped.
He kissed you, the breath of coffee embracing you. You grabbed his neck, and kissed with passion. When you let go, you hopped on one foot to the table, Tweek holding you the entire time.

You sat at the table, looking at Tweek. He went to back to what you considered "Normal" after he drank the coffee. You ate the food, refusing to touch the coffee. You felt kinda sad actually. He said he had a "weird dream about confessing his love to a beautiful princess."
" So it didn't actually mean anything, he doesn't like me that way,"
You asked to be excused, heart broken into a million pieces. You went to the basement, and started to tear up.
" You o-ok (y/n)?"
You looked up. Tweek had a look of concern on his face. You stood up.
" Tweek, when you had that weird dream, did it feel real?"
He looked confused.
" What d-o you m-mean?"
" I'm asking if you actually loved me you asshole!" You shouted, tears going down your face.
He looked at your seriously.
" When d-did I s-say that?"
" You know what, forget it, I'm done!"
You tried to leave the basement, but he grabbed your hand, pulled you back, and had it so would face him.
" Explain to me what the hell is going on!"
" Y-your hurting me." You said in between sobs.
He let go, looking and feeling extremely guilty.
He hugged you.
" I'm s-so sorry (y/n). I don't k-know what came o-over me. I just want to know what's g-going on."
You nodded. You then explained what happened.
" I see, so I carried you up the stairs because you were injured and I confessed my love right?"
You nodded confidently.
" Well I can't I'm surprised, that what's happens when I panic."
" Does that still me you love me?" You said between tears, hope filling your body.
He looked at you, then at the floor, then back at you again.
" Uh, well, I."
" I knew it, you really don't!" You yelled and ran off, hiding somewhere in the house.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n) where are you? Please let me explain!"
You put your face between your knees.
" I knew it was too good to be true."
He finally found you hiding in the cupboard of the washroom.
" Go away."
" Please let me explain."
You sighed and he helped you up.
" You see, whenever I'm with you I feel....invincible. Like I can do anything. I though it was because we were close friends but now I realize..."
You looked down, your hands were intertwined with his.
" It's because I love you."
He kissed you, but this time you felt it. The emotion, the passion, the love. You kissed back with all of the love in your body.
You two stayed silent and stared into each other as you walked back to the couch, together.

South Park Short Stories (DISCONTINUED DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST) Where stories live. Discover now