ATZ - Wooyoung x San - Don't Stop

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San has this 'obsession' with dirty night clubs. The dark atmosphere, the smell of alcohol, the shitty people, the cheap alcohol, and most importantly, Wooyoung.

His favorite bartender, one that he often flirted with and practically begged to be taken by.

He was always dressed in tight pants, a baggy cut off tank top and San's favorite part, the thick black eyeliner he caked on.

It was the way he would look at customers through his long hair, a feature of his that looked so soft and greasy at the same time. 

San was captivated.

"You have to stop looking at me like that."

Knocking the man out of his daydream, his eyes refocused on Wooyoung. "Like what? I wasn't doing anything."

The bartender smirked, taking an empty glass of another customer's to refill it, "I've already told you that nothing is going to happen between us. So you need to stop looking at me like you want to rip my clothes off."

The person sitting next to San laughed, "He's not wrong, you've got a little drool on the corner of your mouth."

San looked at the man like he was offended, "Yeah well I don't remember asking you."

Wooyoung could see the hint of irritation on San's face, "Easy, he was just joking."

"Well I'm not in the mood for jokes."

Normally San enjoyed the games they played, he liked that Wooyoung was playing hard to get. Wooyoung would always flirt back, tease him about his attraction to him.

But right now, San was growing tired of it.

"What changed your mood so suddenly?"

Looking at Wooyoung with an annoyed expression, San finished his drink and slammed the glass down on the bar, "Just tell me if you really want me to leave you alone. I don't have time for games."

The bartender let out an aggravated huff before walking to the other side of the bar, "Then why can't you take a hint, huh? Do I need to spell it out for you?"

San scoffed, "You might, because it's hard to tell when you say one thing but your actions say another. You wouldn't be reciprocating my flirtatious advances if you really didn't want me."

With an irritated click of his tongue, Wooyoung grabbed San by the collar of his shirt and pulled him with him to the bathroom. Pushing San into the room, Wooyoung shut and locked the door before walking over and grabbing him harshly and kissing him hard.

Grasping onto Wooyoung's shoulders, San pulled him close and pressed his back against the wall. Wooyoung pressed his body into San's, grinding his hips and keeping a tight hold on the back of San's neck.

Occasionally Wooyoung would nip at San's lower lip, then he pulled back and looked at San with hunger, "Just because we're doing this, doesn't mean there's anything between us. Got that?"

San pulled on the younger's shirt, untucking it and pulling it over Wooyoung's head, "We'll see."

Wooyoung grabbed his shirt from the older's grip, taking it and tucking part of it into his back pocket, "I can't stand your attitude."

Running his hands over Wooyoung's abdomen, San pulled at his pants, "Okay, so do something about it."

"Alright-" Wooyoung stepped back and pushed San down to his knees, "Then make that bratty fucking mouth of yours useful."

San looked up at Wooyoung with a dirty smile, "Was that so hard for you to say to me?"

"Just shut up and open your mouth."

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