ATZ - San x Wooyoung- Fantasy

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Per the request, this is loosely based on how Ateez wasn't fond of Wooyoung's arrival. This is still fiction, friends, and obviously the majority of this stuff hasn't happened. It doesn't condone how they actually act, nothing of that sort.

To the wonderful person who requested this, I solemnly apologize for making you wait so long for this. I hope this was worth the wait to you, if it isn't, that's okay and you can tell me.


They weren't thrilled when they were informed there would be an eighth member. They had already gone through a lot, and the last thing they wanted was change.

Wooyoung didn't know what he was supposed to expect, he was already a little nervous and uncomfortable moving into a group that's already established.

He was ready to debut, he was excited to debut but the cost was being an outcast.

When he was introduced, he could easily tell he wasn't welcome. Their company pushed for the rest of the band to be open to him, but behind the camera's, Wooyoung was alone.

It was getting harder and harder to win the group over, Wooyoung tried what he could but he just didn't fit. He bent over backwards for them but eventually he just kept his distance.

From afar, Wooyoung grew a specific for San. He was charming, which absolutely drew Wooyoung to his knees. Over time, though it was forced, the group took to Wooyoung.

They began to enjoy his company, it was getting easier to get along with him. They wanted to have him around and at this point, San was becoming aware of the glances from Wooyoung. He began to notice how Wooyoung's gaze would linger on him. How he would always send a smile his way, the shine in his eyes indicating that there was something there.

At least on Wooyoung's part. San still wasn't really sold on him, yet. He may have won everyone else over, but San still needed to be convinced.

Wooyoung did everything to try and spend more time with San. He wanted to grow close to him, and luck was on his side when their room arrangements were changed. San had no choice but to accept Wooyoung, as his roommate.

In the close quarters, Wooyoung started to fall victim to his delusions. He thought about San way too much, he started to dream about him. Which inevitably caused him to act a little different around him. Anytime San caught him staring he would blush madly.

And eventually, San came around to it. He thought that Wooyoung was cute, but he still somehow couldn't shake the subtle dislike he had for him. And he didn't know why.

He noticed that Wooyoung was far more confident than he was when it came to flirting. He would get flustered when Wooyoung would make a flirtatious gesture or even just having a conversation with him. It came down to the point where he had to stay away from Wooyoung because he just couldn't figure out how to act around him.

Which Wooyoung took notice of. He thought that he was starting to get somewhere with San, and then things went the other direction.

The atmosphere was awkward when they were in their shared room, San blatantly ignored Wooyoung. An action at which Wooyoung was growing very tired of.

"Why don't you like me?"

San rolled his eyes at Wooyoung's question, "I never said that I didn't."

Wooyoung perched himself on the desk in their shared room, crossing his arms as he looked at his older member. He knew San didn't want to give him the time of day and it irritated him. Even now, while he was trying to have a conversation with him, San couldn't care less.

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