NCT - Jeno x 00's Dream Line - Phantom

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For a while now, Jeno has had this weird feeling that something or someone has been following him. No matter what he did, or where he went, he couldn't seem to shake it.

He lives in Osaka, moving away from his family because he needed to get away from them. He felt too controlled and claustrophobic around them. They were too controlling and he felt he couldn't do anything without needing their approval.

There was something about Japan that just made Jeno fall in love with it, he enjoyed the life that he was able to create for himself there.

Except, his job. The only job he could find was in one of their abandoned prisons; but he liked horror movies, so he figured it couldn't be that bad. Ever since then, he started to get that feeling of someone following him.

It was Friday night, he starts work at eight o'clock in the evening. He was three hours into his shift, taking his stroll around the facility. One of his duties was to make sure nothing has been tampered with, nothing was broken, things like that.

During the day, and sometimes at night, the prison did tours for the outside public. Jeno was basically the housekeeper for the prison. He didn't mind though, he liked being alone and being able to walk around the supposedly haunted place.

He walked past one of the wings where they kept the psych inmates. Those who were deemed mentally insane, who had exacerbated all the treatments options and all that was left was prison. He didn't spend much time there, it always made his skin crawl.

Suddenly, he heard a faint noise, and it came from the psych wing. He stopped in his tracks, slowly moving his flashlight to shine down the hallway.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

The response, a loud string of chaotic laughter. It made Jeno jump, he hadn't expected anything to respond to him, "Who are you?"

Silence. Whatever was down there, was going to make him go to them. He swallowed thickly as he began his venture down the hallway. This was one of those times when he wished the building wasn't completely quiet.

His black boots creating the only noise that could be heard throughout the entire facility. He stepped into a puddle, a rather deep one. Water splashed up on his pants making Jeno curse, "Damnit, how the hell is there water in here?"

The psych wing was one of the only wings that didn't have any way to get outside. Every room cemented, with a small window. One that would barely fit someone's face in order for them to look outside.

"It's been a long time since we've had some company. I missed having someone around."

Jeno froze at the voice, the high pitch laughter following the statement brought goosebumps to Jeno's skin. He shone the flashlight around the wing, trying to find whatever is talking to him but not finding anything.

"This place isn't open, you should have left hours ago."

There was some more laughter, "If I could leave, I would have by now. You think I like staying in here? Alone?"

As Jeno moved the flashlight to a specific room, there was a flash of a person in the room. Jeno yelled, jumping before shining the light in again to see if he could see it again. But, no one was there.

The only thing he could remember of the flash, was that whoever was in there, had pink hair and bright blue jacket.

Jeno quickly turned and ran out of the wing, he wasn't going to wait around to find out who was in there.

Rounding a corner, Jeno found himself in the wing where they held the serial killers. He rested against a wall to catch his breath, the light from his flashlight reflecting off of his silver hair. Before he could even register what was happening, there was a heavy presence around him.

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