Rport 1

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Rport 1 Febury 2nd Wensday 2041 
Mr Kona sehs i shuld rite down wut hapens 2 me every day. i dont no why. he sehs it wil help ceep trac of my progris. i hav a low i-q i dont no wat that meens but i tink it maks me stupid. i did a test 2day i think i faled. a wumun cam in an shod me som paprs with ink spils on it. she told me 2 seh if i saw anee shaps or caracters or animuls or awbgehckts in it. i sed i onlee saw spiled ink on it. she sed no that s rong. i kehpt teling her thats al i saw. she sed aldo i no it haves ink on it but tere is peple in tere that peple saw

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