Bonus Story| Eternal Bloodlines

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Valerie pulled her coat tighter against the autumn chill as she made her way down the leaf-strewn path. The events of the past week still haunted her - learning the truth of her parents' brutal murder and her adoptive family's betrayal. She had fled their mansion, overwhelmed, ending up in the neglected cemetery on their sprawling property. There, Valerie was shocked to encounter the misty spirits of her birth parents, their ghostly forms materializing before their weathered grave markers. The bittersweet reunion filled in gaps in Valerie's scattered early memories, bringing anguished closure.

Yet so many unanswered questions still tore at Valerie's mind. What exactly happened that horrific night? Why would her adoptive father George, always so jovial in her childhood memories, commit such a horrifying act against his own brother and sister-in-law? George had taken those secrets to his own grave years later. But perhaps there was still someone who knew the truth, someone who could help give Valerie's biological parents the justice stolen from them.

As Valerie became lost in thought, the sound of chanting caught her attention. She glanced up to see candlelight glowing warmly from the windows of a small stone cottage set back from the path. Intrigued, Valerie approached cautiously, making out a woman's rhythmic voice rising and falling melodically. She climbed the creaking steps to peer inside, glimpsing an altar draped in rich fabrics, lit candles flickering over jars of dried herbs and crystals. Seated with eyes closed and palms uplifted was a woman perhaps a few years older than Valerie, with waves of cherry-red hair falling over an embroidered shawl.

Valerie watched curiously as the woman finished her chant with a ringing "Blessed be!" before snuffing the altar candles.

As the door swung open, Valerie stumbled back apologetically.

"Hello! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I just heard your chanting and was curious..."

The woman smiled, waving away Valerie's awkwardness.

"No intrusion at all! I'm Margery. And any seeker drawn here is welcome."

Gesturing, she added, "Please, come in and warm yourself."

Valerie gratefully stepped inside the cozy cottage, instantly comfortable amidst the dried bouquets, crystals, leather-bound books and hand-drawn tarot cards. She introduced herself to Margery, whose keen green eyes studied her intently even as she busied herself preparing mugs of spiced tea.

Settling into an overstuffed velvet armchair beside the hearth, Valerie found herself telling this sympathetic stranger everything - her supernatural encounters awakening psychic sensitivity, the shocking revelations from her grandparents about her parents' past.

"...I just don't understand it," Valerie finally concluded, eyes shining with unshed tears in the firelight.

"Why would my adoptive father murder my real parents? And why cover it up all these years instead of facing justice? None of it makes sense."

She shook her head despairingly. But Margery leaned forward, face illuminated with purpose.

"Valerie, you were guided here tonight across spiritual planes, led to my door by restless ghosts seeking resolution to this tragedy. If you'll permit me, I can help uncover the truth using my gifts."

Valerie's eyes widened with dawning possibility. In the supernatural investigator's obsessive quest, she had discounted more esoteric arts. But clearly, Margery harnessed real power - Valerie could sense it radiating from the cottage's every herb-strewn surface.

Nodding slowly, Valerie replied, "Yes, I welcome your help, Margery. Whatever it takes to find justice for my parents' souls- and my own."

The women moved to sit facing each other before the marble-topped altar. Margery withdrew weathered cards with intricately painted imagery, whispering blessings over the deck before deftly shuffling. She fanned them with a fluttering snap.

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