tears don't fall chapter 20

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Lexi's POV

We will soon be on Christmas break and I honestly can't wait because this year has been complete hell for me and I think I just need to forget Dean and move on with someone else. Someone I can always be around without getting in trouble or anything like that.

I'm not paying attention and I bump into someone falling on top of them..

"I'm so sorry wow this is embarrassing." I say getting up.

He stands up and smiles.

"It's totally fine, don't worry."

"What's your name?" I ask

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"What's your name?" I ask

"Scott. Yours?" He asks

"Lexi.. that's a cool tattoo." I say smiling.

He looks at it and smiles.

"Thanks. I've had it forever."

"Are you new here? I've never seen you before." I say smiling

"No I've been here for awhile just kind of in the background."

"Oh you kind of just stay to yourself?" I ask

"Yeah I do, what about you?" He asks

"I have friends Nick & Kelly but that's pretty much it." I say smiling

"I see. You seem pretty cool would you wanna hang out sometime?" He asks

I smile "Yeah I'd like that, we can get a coffee or something?"

"Yeah I'd like that here's my number text me beautiful."

I take the piece of paper and put his number in my phone.

"Here's mine, see you around Scott."

He smiles "See you Lexi."


"Oohh who was that?" Kelly asks

"His name is Scott. I literally ran into him." I say shaking my head.

She chuckles "He's very cute, and he's in my pre AP lit class. He's very smart and I've heard he's good in bed."

My eyes widen.

"I just met him.. I don't wanna know about that at least not yet." I say laughing.

She chuckles "I would. He's very cute."

"Its coffee. Nothing more."

She scoffs "That's how it starts.. with a coffee then boom you are full on dating."

*Ding Ding*

*New message from Scott*

Scott: How's tommrow morning for that coffee date?

Me: at 8 before class x

Scott: it's a date beautiful xx

Me: see ya then x

"So who was that?" Kelly asks

"Don't worry about it." I say smiling

"Hmm sounds interesting." She says teasing me.

"Shut up."

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