pain demands to be felt chapter 19

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Lexi's POV

I woke up hungover as hell but still got ready for school. I honestly don't give a shit how I look so this my look today..

I walk in and see Hailey laughing her head off I roll my eyes not caring and walk past her

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I walk in and see Hailey laughing her head off I roll my eyes not caring and walk past her.

"Hey Lexi?" She asks

I sigh "Yeah?"

"Have you heard?"

I furrow my brows "Heard what?"

"Miss Alyssa & Dean are dating. Aren't they just the cutest?" She asks showing me a picture on Instagram.

I swallow the knot in my throat and smile

"That's great I hope he's happy."

"Oh I'm sure of it! I knew they were an item, I'm so happy about it!"

"So happy that you won't bully me?" I ask hopeful.

She chuckles "Only this month because it's Christmas."

I nod "Well I'll uh see ya around."

I say walking away before I can stop them the tears fall down my face.

{He told me he loved me.. I thought he actually cared about me.. clearly I was wrong..}

I feel arms around me I already know it's Nick I turn in his arms and cry into his chest. He holds me tightly shooting daggers at Dean.

"I thought he was different.." I say through tears

Nick kisses my forehead "I know baby I know. I'm so sorry."

"Thank you for being here to catch me before I fell literally if you didn't I'd be on the floor right now."

He nods "yeah I get it. I just can't believe he turned out to be such a jerk."

"Yeah. After he defended me against Devin I honestly thought he was the one and I gave myself to him fully..if you get what I mean."

He nods again "Yeah completely. You thought he was going to be your knight in shining armor so to speak."

"I really did. How can he do this to me? Especially after he kissed me last night at the club.. "

"I don't know baby I just don't know."

I furrow my brows "Not that I really give a shit but why do you keep calling me baby?"

He shrugs "I don't know, just my southern I guess."

"Yeah that's true, doesn't bother me. I was just wondering." I say shrugging as well.

"Deannnnnn" Alyssa beams

He half smiles "Alyssaaa"

"I've got a cute new idea for the kiddos today for Christmas project."


"So I was thinking.." she says as Dean looks to Lexi.

"I'm sorry Alyssa, Lexi?" He asks

"I'll see you in class." Nick says kissing my forehead again.

"So you & nick huh?" He asks

I shrug "So you & Alyssa the one you said I don't have to worry about and that you'd wait for me."

He sighs "I just put that up there so no one would get suspicious.. I'm not dating her or anyone else I'm completely single she knows we aren't together she's got a boyfriend by the way."

"Well I'm not dating Nick he's just being a supportive friend to me." I say

"That's great to hear because I won't lie it pisses me off seeing him kiss you even if it is your forehead. That's supposed to be me.." he says sighing

"I wasn't the one who walked away from us."

"I didn't want to. How many times do I have to say it? I love you and I didn't wanna walk away but I had no choice at least for now." He says

"I get it very well but we could have stayed in secret no one knew. Even if they did it would have been both our faults for getting to cozy at the party a month ago which everyone's forgot about because they were drunk as hell but still. I was willing to sacrifice it all for you even the rules yet you won't do the same?" I ask shaking my head.

"Lexi I-"

I cut him off "I'm going to pre AP bio. I'll see you around professor Ackles."

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