24 | Most Beautiful Girl

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Thank you @nocontextabiha for the beautiful poster! Extremely relevant for this chapter. Let's dive back in...

Chapter 24: Most Beautiful Girl

There she was.

The darkness didn't help me much, but her beauty was brightened under the moonlight.

As she stepped closer to the shore, I admired her from head to toe.

She was nervous to see me. The same nervous she used to be when we first met. When we shared that cabin by the lake together.

She's who I've been waiting for.

And I couldn't wait anymore.

I walked towards her, unable to take my eyes off her for even a second. She started to walk towards me, her hesitation disappearing trying to bridge the distance between us.

Sand, water, the ocean. I walked faster.

I ran towards her, the wind loud in our ears, stopping us from hearing anything the other would even say. I didn't need to say anything.

I reached out right as her body crashed into mine and wrapped my arms around her waist, almost lifting her as I leaned down to kiss her.

Our lips pressed against each other, and I tilted my head, feeling the warmth of her soft lips. I lowered her on the shore as I raised my left hand to lightly touch her face. My thumb caressed her, loosening her jaw as her lips parted and let my tongue enter.

I went deep, my hands touching her, nonstop. I couldn't stop. I couldn't get enough.

I filled my hands and my mouth with her taste.

And with heavy breathing, I pulled away slightly, holding her beautiful face in my hands. It was so hard not to kiss her uncontrollably. I let our foreheads touch and her big eyes searched mine, wondering why I had stopped. We were so close, I could feel her breath on my skin.

"Don't scare me like that again," I breathed out, watching her eyelashes flutter over her eyes and her soft lips part, "Minnie, you're the only one that makes me feel alive." 

Her fingers locked behind my neck and pulled me onto her, gripping me tightly as she kissed me deeply. Her eyes squeezed shut and there were little worry lines on her forehead as her soft, wet lips pressed mine.

My hands gripped her hips, pressing it against mine and surprised me when she jumped on me. I wrapped my hands under her ass, grabbing onto her legs as they wrapped around me. I guided her legs as they hooked behind my waist, feeling my torso trapped between her legs, my pelvis tight against her. I stepped back to keep balance and the waves lapped against my feet, soaking my pants.

She giggled through our kiss and I leaned my head back as I felt her hands comb through my hair. I loved it when she did that. Her soft lips kissed my bare neck and I opened my eyes, lowering my mouth to kiss her back. All over.

I couldn't get enough. It was like I could only see red. The town could burst into flames and I wouldn't care.

I knelt down onto the sand as the waves crashed over my legs, keeping my hands on her lower back, keeping her very tight against me.

"I'm getting wet," she whispered into my ear as the water creeped onto her legs.

I kissed the cape of her neck and licked it, "In what way?"

I didn't mind any of it. The waves kept coming. I lowered her down onto the dark, wet sand, wanting to free my hands to explore her further.

She laughed as a wave splashed onto her face and I leaned back with my hands pressed into the sand on either side of her head. I liked seeing her pinned under me like that. She sat up, flicking the water off her face and our bodies touching again. Clothes sticking to our wet bodies. Her hands gripped my biceps.

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