Chapter 1

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* One week after the arrival of the Rebels *

" Do I really have to wear this? you know how I don't like wearing my uniform. " Y/n said with a annoyed tone.

" If I'm wearing something that I don't like, you're doing the same. " Yemini said while fixing his collar.

Y/n only gave her a slight annoyed look.

" What are we? Lovers. " He said sarcastically.

She then purposely tightens his collar, decreasing his airflow.

" Well, you better start considering it Y/n, because like hell you're not taking responsibly after what happened recently. " She said with a malicious smile, slightly tightening his collar even more.

Y/n managed to nod rapidly; his face started turning purple.

" Good, A U-Wing is ready to take us, we'll be escorted two A-Wings and will be accompanied by one LAAT with Rebel commandos. " Yemini said as she let go of Y/n.

" By the force woman, you almost killed me. " He said while rubbing his neck.

" That would be slightly unfortunate, now get ready, I'll wait for you at the U-Wing. " Yemini said, she walked out the makeshift commander quarters.

" By the Force that woman is crazy. " He muttered.

He fixed his collar, grabbed a blaster and holstered it, he looked at himself in the mirror and made sure he was ready.

" Handsome as ever. " He thought to himself.

And with that, he was ready for the meeting, which he didn't want to go by the way, he was forced by Yemini, which he still questions as to why he slept with her.

" By the force, I probably got a Jedi pregnant, actually it doesn't sound so bad, I can brag it on the other Rebel commanders. " He thought to himself.

" Knocking me up doesn't give you bragging rights!!! get your ass outside!!! we have to go!!! " Yemini yelled from outside.

He groans and exited the tent and instantly headed towards the U-Wing that was prepared for them.

" We were instructed to fly low, to avoid detection and so we don't risk their base getting discovered, apparently, these white fangs aren't the only ones that are hunting them down, A faction named Atlas is hunting them down too. " Yemini said as she entered the U-Wing.

" Why is another faction in their territory? not too sound dumb, but it doesn't look like they're under occupation. " He said as he entered the U-Wing.

" Apparently, involving Politics and legations, A group of higher officials of Menagerie allowed Atlas to deploy troops in current regions, putting another player into the chess board that is already a mess. " Yemini said.

" Atlas became the third player, and went straight for the most weakest player in the board, Sienna tribe and her allies. " He said.

" Precisely, but Atlas isn't Allies with the White Fang, and so, both the White fang and Atlas are in a two front war, Atlas, White Fang, and Sienna Tribe, though both nearly Destroyed Sienna, her tribe is still a pain in their asses. " Yemini said.

The U-Wing finally took off.

" This is like us, The Rebel Alliance, The underworld, and The Empire, but theirs something else rising... " He said.

" Correct, Sienna wants us to join in on the game of chess that already begun and has be going on for awhile, she wants us to join in and be her allies, and to establish a third front against Atlas and The White Fang. " Yemini said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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