Chapter One

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I was walking in the woods and just minding my own business until I saw an abandoned mansion and I quietly entered the room, I saw people wearing robes and also what hurts me the most is that these children were trapped in the cages like animals. Then I said to myself 'I must save that boy!' I went behind one of them and I tapped on their shoulder and one of them turned around, I just punched him in the face and I took out my sword. The leader of the cult demanded "Kill her!" They started to attack me, I rolled my eyes at them and we started to sword fight and I said to their leader "He's just a little boy! He doesn't deserve to die!" The boy shouted out "I order you to kill them but not the girl!" The man with a deep voice said "As you wish, my lord" and he already killed them, I put on my special gloves and snapped my fingers that an abandoned mansion is in flames. The boy, man and I walked out of there, I was about to leave them until the boy asked "Will you stay with me and Sebastian?" I smiled at the boy and said "I'll stay with you. My name is Lynn" and the boy said "My name is Ciel. It's nice meeting you, Lynn", Sebastian said to himself 'Might she be the one to be my apprentice to protect the young master'.

Two years later...

At the Phantomhive mansion, Sebastian headed to my room and knocked on my door, I said "In a minute" and I got dressed in the same outfit like Sebastian. I went to my door and said "Yes, Sebastian", Sebastian said to me "Lynn, it's time to go to the young master's bedroom and wake him up" and I said "Yes, Sebastian". We're already inside Ciel's bedroom and Sebastian went up to the bay window and said "Master, it's time to wake up" to pull the curtains away from the window. I asked Ciel "Today, we have a lightly poached salmon, accompanied with by a delicate mint salad. We also have toast, scones and pain de campagna. Which do you care for this morning?" While Ciel is rubbing his eye and said to me "Scone", I put the scone on the small plate and Sebastian is pouring him a cup of tea said to Ciel while he handed him his tea "Today you have a meeting with Mr. Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire" he continued while he's getting Ciel ready for the day "And then this evening, you have a meeting with Mr. Damian of the Poseidon Company". Ciel asked Sebastian while he was tying Ciel's bow "Is that the man in charge of my stuffed animals in India?" Sebastian said to him "Yes. I've been told by Lynn that he is a Italian" and I said "Sometimes the Italian prefer coffee than having tea, my young lord", then Sebastian also added "We will of course offer him all the hospitality the estate can provide".

Ciel took a sip out of his tea and asked me "I recognize the smell. Is this Earl Grey tea?" I said to him "Yes, from Jackson's in Piccadilly. We thought it would be an excellent accompaniment with the salmon and mint". Sebastian said to him "We shall wait for you in the dining room" and Ciel opened his eye flash then his hand reach out to grab a dart , threw it towards Sebastian but Sebastian caught it between his index finger and his middle finger said to Ciel with a smirk across his face "Well thrown, my lord", I sigh and said "By even so, let's save the game later, okay" and then Ciel said "I agree with you, Lynn". In the dining room, while Ciel sat and eating his breakfast. The other servants of the Phantomhive household had joined Sebastian and I in their service to the young lord, who were currently elsewhere in the mansion. Ciel sat down on his chair, and threw the dart that he tried on Sebastian and watched it hit the back of Finny's head. The blood squirted out, causing the boy to cry out and ran up to Ciel immediately asking why the young master did such a thing. After Ciel took a sip of his tea, he said to Finny "Nothing, I don't need to justify my actions"and I just shook my head mumbled "Next time, Finny. Please paid attention of your surroundings, okay", Finny said to me "Yes, Miss Lynn". Sebastian opened the dining room door opens and asked "Finnian, have you finished weeding the gardens, yet? Mey-Rin, have you washed the bed linens? Bard, shouldn't you preparing dinner?" Then I looked over my shoulder and said "And Tanaka...", Tanaka is just drinking his tea and then I sigh and said "Well, I suppose you are alright as you are" and Tanaka took a sip out of his Japanese tea said "Ho Ho Ho". 

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