Chapter Fourteen

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Mia's POV

We drive for the longest hour and enter the Chattarpur Farms. He takes sharp turns and says nothing the entire drive.

"I saw us..."

He zaps at me finally while still in complete control of the wheel but I don't want to take any chances here and I explain further quickly because I know if I remain quiet that will put him in a fix.

"Saw us kissing...," I try to complete the sentence and a sweet and relieving smile dances on his mouth as he turns his attention back to the road and starts to bite his lip and grips my hand over the gear harder as if he can't wait for us to stop and talk or do something, anything, except driving at this moment.

I clear my throat and begin again, "I...saw us kissing... in another time..."

The car halts at my confession. None of say anything for a minute. I hear his laboured breathing and I am worried because this situation feels like a foot-in-mouth one; only I am not sure if I should have confessed that to him or not. Maybe, I am thinking too much into. Maybe he didn't even hear me. Maybe he needs something of me? I create a gazillion maybes in my head, to explain this awkward, heavy, and suffocating silence between us.

The care for him to break the ice is too much when I have only known him for merely 30 hours!

I highly doubt if anyone can make it out from our conversations. I am losing myself in the chain of thoughts and more maybes, when he finally decides to find a way out.

"What did you say?"

We both stare each other. I blink, me matches it with similar action. I clear my throat further to reply and he quirks his brow, too inquisite for his own good at this moment. But I muster up a false sense of courage and pretend to be super cool about it.

"You heard me right."

He unlocks his seatbelt and comes closer to me, not giving me a breather to take in his agility.

He stays put and reads my eyes, maybe trying to read my brain and shakes his head.

"I can't read you."

I push him, saying, "Stay out of my head. Learn to communicate, okay? Verbally, like by using words and sentences, understood?"

I teach him to communicate with hands gestures and he ends up laughing at me.

"Stop laughing, Sye. I am serious."

"You think I'm bad at communicating? How the fuck do you think I run such a big conglomerate then? With sign language?"

He shakes his head and rakes his hands through his messy hair. I unlock my seatbelt and stop his hand in the middle. He is quick to adjust me on top of him, making me sit on him with both legs at either of my side.

"Stop doing that to your hair."

He nods and bites his lips again.

I pull out his lips with mine and he groans like a ferral animal who is ready to reproduce and never separate again from his love.

"Never, again."

He speaks before kissing me back and stealing a smooch. I punch his chest in retaliation that doesn't look like one when my cheeks are red, hands are warm, and the heart is picking up a speed to run a marathon.

"Don't get inside my head without my permission."

"That's hard."


"I can't explain much, but you think too loud when you are near me, mostly. Your words echo in my mind like a command, love."

"Still, can you try not to hear my thoughts or at least respond to me like you haven't heard them in the first place? It's seriously very embarrassing and makes me feel wicked as this isn't something that happens to every normal human being."

He shakes the head before commenting, "Yes, no, it doesn't. Fine, I will try."

"Good, and now where were we?"

He presses his hands on my back and squeezes my ass cheeks to make it obvious.

"I mean...oh yeah, I was telling you not to bite your lips. It is super super..., super distracting."

"Okay madam, anything else you want me to follow through?"

I make a gesture to think and look away and he gives a little bite to my neck without informing.

I panic and push him away.

"Oi, don't!"

"What, why?" He comes to the same spot, starts sucking and licking it with too much heat.

I feel his sharp teeth but panic kicks in fast, forcing me to kick him back in defense.

His seat breaks as he jolts back.

The moment shocks us both.

"What the actual... "

"Stop saying fuck. You don't need to express using a cuss word always."

He come backs to the upright posture and find it humorous that I broke his seat.

"What? I can kick and land some punches, okay? Don't think I can't kick your balls if you mess with my boundaries."

He is even more shocked this time.

The moment passes between us and we both understand that it is not only him who is hiding ghosts in his closet.

There is too much of the unruly and unwanted past which I had forgotten or hidden under the locks of ages.

I go back to my seat and he drives along after we both click in our seatbelts and forbid to say another word until we reach a big fat circular ironed gate after 30 minutes of drive.

He opens the gate with a remote and enters the arena of his house that looks like we transported ourselves back in time.

He has exotic and extinct flowers and trees in his garden. The fountain at the forefront is of a female wolf, with wings, tiara, and cubs around her at her feet. The image is so surreal that it sends goosebumps to my skin. He stops the car at the main entrance, heavily guarded by four men and three ladies, and the seatbelt unlocks itself automatically from both of our seats.

It takes him a second to jump out and another one to open my door and offer his hand like a gentleman.

I take it and the walk inside his 5 storey mansion is surreal, silent, and serene.

Everyone greets us with a bow and I have no words to say back except do the same gesture while feeling out of place and yet totally in control in a wicked manner which I can't explain words at the moment but somehow at the back of my subconscious mind, I feel normal. However, when I turn, everyone has disappeared. For a second, I wonder if I imagined them all and maybe I am going crazy. Then Sye whispers to bring back my attention to the expanse ahead.

"Breathe, love"

I follow the command, being forgetful of breathing.

It's too much. A part of my brain wants to escape while the other one says, finally, I am here where I must belong.

I am internally torn between which thought to believe and which to let go.

"Stay with me, love. I will show  and explain everything to you but in time."

He smiles and looks at me with red eyes and something in his facial features start to change but his words, smell, and breathing all reassure me to stay put.

"I believe you... I don't how and why, but I do, Sye."

I yell at him in my mind this so he clearly hears this. He tighens his grip of my hands as a silent response to build my confidence and slow my racing heart.

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