Duels of The Dojo - The Refusal of The Master

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This chapter will be quite graphic, if you're not comfortable with it I'd suggest skipping this one, though it will be VITAL to the plot of some things !!

It's also going to be a little longer than the other chapters :3

Sorry for the interruption !!!

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I stand by the samurai's side at the gates of Shindo Dojo, I will admit, it's far larger than I had anticipated, when I had listened in on Hachiman's conversation of it I never assumed it to be as grand as this.

The door had a large crest on it I'd assume it was carved specially for this spot, as was the wood surrounding it, the samurai grabbed one of the doors handles, and knocked it against the door. A slither of wood opens revealing to staring eyes, which speak clearly, "No new students. Find another school," before the wood is shut abruptly once more.

I watch as the samurai knocks once more, not sure if I should comment on it or just let him be before the eyes beneath the wood are revealed again, "I'm not a student," the samurai states, "I bring a message for the master of Shindo Dojo," he states with a clear and strong tone of authority.

The eyes stare at him for a second before the wood closes, I assume that would make it our queue to leave until another slither opens lower, and a hand motions for the 'message' to be placed into it.

The samurai seems slightly annoyed before stating finally, "I must deliver it personally," the hand reaches back into the gate and the wood is closed, I sigh at the thought of how tedious it must be if you truely wished to be a student at such a dojo.

The samurai stands blankly facing the door for a few seconds before it is opened, a loud creaking noise accompanying the view of the wide open door.

A man stands at the other side of the gate, waiting for the samurai and I to walk beside him as he leads the way through the massive dojo.

Countless young men are scattered amongst the grounds, all doing different forms of training, I'm not sure what kind of training exactly, but I find it quite humorous watching them sit in the snow with nothing but their pants on.

We are lead into the building, where there are two students duelling, I try my hardest to look away but it catches my eye all too much, I wince as I watch one of the students have their shoulder cut open, and the blood drips from it as he cry out and grabs at it as if that'll help his situation.

"Why did the samurai bring me with him??" I think, only now just realising the danger I could be in, "Perhaps he has brought me here to discard me? Does my use run out as soon as he finds the Heiji Shindo man he seeks?" I question bitterly in my head.

We are led to a room, and are surrounded by men of the dojo, as I look up I can see a man doing calligraphy at a table, not once looking up at us as he speaks, "You may leave any message with me," he says.

The samurai slightly bows down his head as he says, "What must be said must be said to the master directly," he says as if he expects no further question.

I look at the samurai as if he's completely out of it, he's already gotten lucky enough to still have his head by this point, he can't possibly expect to see the master directly. I find it hard to listen, my thoughts thinking to the worst of what could happen.

"What if they execute me along with this man?" I think solemnly, weighing the thought in my head and coming to the conclusion that wouldn't be the worst option. "What if they keep me here as a prostitute??" I think even worse. 

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