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Shree Ganesh.

Sorry for late updates.

Iyer's were having their dinner with usual bickering. Arya was laughing with everyone but shreyas knew better. Her smile was not real. She was faking it. She can hide her pain from world but not from him.

Just not to make their family guilty. She chose to ignore her pain. But he can clearly see the hurt she felt reflecting in her eyes.

People say 'eye's are windows to one's soul' it is true. Her eyes had always speaks volumes but nobody can understand it.

Today he got the glimpse of what she was suffering for years and it has scared his soul to extend that he just wants to hide her from world. And he knew that's not it. This story has many twist.

After dinner shreyas took Arya to beach their comfort place. Where they meet where he confessed. where she poured her feelings.

Both of them were silent lost in their own thoughts. They were closet to eachother still there was barrier between them. Barrier of past. The past she is hiding.

Arya always knew she has to be strong. Tears, fear, anxiety has always been her friends. She knew she can't break down. If she did then she will lose every single thing she cherished.

Not at this point of Life. Where she got everything she wanted. Not now. She was not ready to share her pains with anyone not even shreyas. That feeling makes her feel pathetic. She didn't want him to regret.

"I know you are not ready to share your pain with me. Neither you would do it in future. But always remember I love you but my love for you will never fade with time but relationship is not just on Love. But trust and respect too. what remains constant in relationship is trust. If you don't trust me enough to share your pain with me. Its my failure. I failed to make you trust me. I failed to make you feel secure." Shreyas voice broke in the end. he never wanted to face this. He knew he would fight the world for her but for that she has to trust him. He was ready to take her pain away.

But Arya stayed silent. That silence pierced his heart .She knew he was breaking but she still can't overcome the  fear that was deep rooted in her heart. Fear of rejection.

"I don't know what to do shreyas. I trust you. I believe in you but some thing's are so hard to voice out. I want you to see my best not this broken self. I don't want you to regret loving me. My past self was pathetic. Nothing like you're seeing today." Arya closed her eyes remembering those horrid memories.

Shreyas took her in his arms her tears soaking his shirt but he cared less. He let her cry sometimes crying is best solution to vent out bottled up emotions.

"Always remember Aryanshi i love you and nobody can  change that fact. And rahi baat I will regret it then never in billion years. You are the woman who made realise what love is. You are my other half. My destined one. God made you for me. You are mine. Just trust me once my love would not break it even if it takes my life." Shreyas said each word looking into her eyes. Arya felt blessed to have him in her life.

She hugged him thightly. Every insecurity leaving her mind. She was sure that even if she has to die she would never leave this man of hers. He deserves so much better but she is selfish she won't let him go. She will become best for him. 

Shreyas felt bitter. He knew she had her own insecurities from start but he can't solve them in instant. It will take time. And he was determined that he soothe each of her worries with his love. He will become her support that she needed in her life.

Arya lead her head on his chest shreyas was stroking her hairs kissing her head form time to time.

"When I was growing up. I had everything that child wanted in her life I had beautiful clothes,shoes toys everything. but what I wanted was love. I wanted my parents to love me. I wanted my brother's to care for me. But I never got that. It remained my dream only. I never knew who was my mother till I was 5. I always thought my nanny Veera maa was my mother. Because she was one who bath me, feed me, will play with me, read me bedtime stories. Take care of me when I was sick. But she had to leave me because one day Mrs Raisinghania Heard me calling Veera maa mother. That was when hell broke loose. She made fuss. How would I know that she was my mother if she was not with me. She slapped Veera maa. That day I got to know my real parents. Parents who birthed me.Veera maa was fired after that drama. And that was the last time I saw her." Arya had small smile remembering her beloved Veera maa. But that smile vanished thinking what happened next.

" After that another nanny was hired for me." She visibly shuddered at that line.  Shreyas pulled her in his lap. Gently drawing circles around her waist. That calmed her down.

"I was introverted since childhood. Lack of human contact made me like that. I was always alone. So I couldn't open up to her. At first she tried her best to cater my needs but when she saw nobody really cared for me she had change of heart. And from there my misery started. At start her courage was not big so she started taking my things, then my clothes when I protested she didn't give me food for day. I wanted tell this to Mrs Raisinghania and I tried but she never had time for listening my nonsense." Arya smiled willfully thinking about that times.

"When that nanny got to know that she locked me in store room. I was terrified. There was no light in that room. I cried. I banged the door but nobody listened. I was locked there for three days without food and water. When finally she let me out she warned me. If I tried again then she would lock me up with mouses. I was terrified. From that day I stopped talking to anyone. But nobody noticed that. It was not it. if she had fight with her husband she would beat me up. But one day Mr Raisinghania saw rash on my hand by accident when I was playing outside. He asked me. But I didn't say anything then because I didn't trust him neither I know him. And I clearly remembered her warning. He was like a stranger for me. So I ran away from there because I knew if that women saw me then I would be doomed. But mr Raisinghania was smart man he joined the dots and after that I never saw that witch." Arya chocked. It was hard for her. Shreyas hugged her thightly. His baby girl had suffered so much and he can't do anything about it.

He just want to go in past and slap some sense in her dimwitted parents.
But story didn't end here there are many more things that were going to reveal infront of him.

This is not the end there are follow ups brace your heart's.

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Your's sakshi ❤️

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