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Shree Ganesh.


Arya felt her heart heavy. Tears were silently rolling down her eyes as she walked towards their room. She was questioning her love. Did she fail.
She can't afford to.

Shreyas was silently following her. Millions of emotions bussing in his eyes. Her every word echoing in his ears. Her eternal trust wounding his heart. Did he even deserve that.

Silence hung in air. Anticipating upcomming Strom. As Arya stood by the window looking at blazing sun mirroring her blazing heart. Waiting for his word's.

Shreyas felt his shoulders heavy with guilt that was eating him from within. He had sinned. He broke her trust. He cheated. For worse he cheated on her. When she love him so much what did he do..........

"Why." Arya's voice was hoarse. She didn't ask anything but reason. She deserves that much.

"I am sorry aru. I sorry." Shreyas was crying for his little doll. Whom he broke.

"I don't want your sorry shreyas. I want reason." Arya didn't even turn towards him. Shreyas just wanted to take her in his arms. Shield her away from any harm. But irony of situation he was the one who harmed her.

"I lost aru. I lost everything thing. I lost my most cherished possession. I lost my pride. I lost."shreyas fell on his knees defeated. "I lost the trust you had on me. I broke the promise. I cheated aru. I cheated." At the end he couldn't control his sobs. He was broken from inside.

Arya felt her heart squeeze with pain. Everybody in her life hurted her but most vicious would be this. She was broken. But still her silly heart was was not ready to believe the man who was confessing himself. Who was pleading guilty for his crimes.

"How." Arya whispered. Shreyas was already numbed from pain.

"That day after match I was feeling low. Ishan took me out for clubbing. At first I didn't want to go. As I was not in mood. How I wish I shouldn't." He paused. Looking for any reaction he found none. She was just standing there motion lessley.

"I had few drinks. But you know I can handle alcohol well. But that day just after few drinks I was drunk. After that i didn't know what happened. I was alone in some random hotel room. With my clothes disaary. I didn't know what happened. I don't remember fuking thing. I thought I was alone. So didn't think much. Later. Sisira called me. And." Shreyas couldn't continue further. He stared at her face for single emotion but he found nothing.

"And then she told you she was with you and you cheated on me." Arya completed. Shreyas hanged his head low in shame.

Baki ka next chapter may...................

Okay joke tha
Majja Aya na.

"Bravo. And you just believed her." Arya clapped her hands. Shreyas who was waiting for slap was shocked. Why his wife never did things according to logic.

Looking at his innocent face Arya felt to give him some serious slaps so his bewakoof brain would return to its place. He's so dumb.

Shreyas who classified as no. 1 dumb person was bewildered.

"Did you asked ishan. Where was he." Shreyas shooked his head. This idiot. Arya just want to knock open his brain now.

"You... I don't know what to say now. This is serious problem. I couldn't bear it. I so fear for our childs future. What if he got your IQ. Hey bhagwan. Kya kardiya aapne." Arya was seriously horrified at the thoughts her Baby getting his Fathers brain. That shit doesn't work normally.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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