What pet you buy together (explanation)

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Brad: "Oh but look at those puppy eyes babe" you say to Brad as he put down the 1 month old golden retriever back into its pen.

"This is going to be a lot, do you thing we're ready?" He said unsure.

"Yes! We will be great parents and spoil him to death." you said giving him a kiss on the cheek. After signing papers and buying all the necessary items like a bed and food and toys, you both were exhausted but ready to be good owners.

James: "This isn't manly at all!" James said crossing his arms and turning around.

"Um mr. cranky pants this is just a temporary home for the little guy. They still need someone to adopt him." you said lifting him up and resting him on James shoulder.

"I mean maybe we could keep him for a little..." James said trying to hide his smile. Over time James because more accustom to the bunny and you two ended up adopting the bunny and saving it from being put down.

Connor: "And your sure it won't hurt Rex" he said anxiously pacing back and forth.

"Yes Connor! They will become best buddies and we can watch over them the first couple of days to make sure everything goes ok." you said reassuring him that buying another lizard won't hurt Rex (his previous bearded dragon).

"Ok then let's go sign the last couple of papers." he said finally convinced to get another pet. The introduction of pets went better than expected and the two of them became the best of friends.

Tristan: "This one is so cute! Come look babe!" You call to Tristan as you walk by an adorable hamster running around his cage. "Look he is almost as energetic as you." you said giving him a punch on the arm.

"Haha really funny, why don't you take him home." Tristan said totally onboard with buying him right then.

"Are you serious Tristan! I've always wanted a hamster!" You said calling over an attendant and signing some papers. Once everything was settled you walked out with your new hamster ready to take good care of it.

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