I pulled my 2 heavy suit cases up to the second floor, the 8th grade girls rooms. I walked into room 172 to find a girl sitting on the top bunk. She quickly noticed me. "Oh I'm sorry did you want the top bunk?" I shook my head. "Cool! Oh and I hope you don't mind my paintings, I got them from my home. I lived in China before I came here, my name is Iris". "I'm Lydia". I said before packing my stuff into drawers. Soon the loud speaker went off. "Will all students report to the cafeteria". "I guess that's our cue to leave". Iris and I walked down to the cafeteria. it was white and gold (it's black and blue!). it had nicely organized tables with silver wear. A tall unnaturally blonde woman began to speak. "Hello 8th graders, welcome to Mildred. We are ever so pleased to have you here!" "Who is that?"I asked Iris. "I'm pretty sure that's the head mistress". I nodded. I was suddenly bumped into. "Hey!" I shouted. "Oh sorry I was just trying to get towards the front to see, I'm Marco". said the boy with glasses. "I'm Lydia and this is Iris". Iris waved. "Looks like we got a little group,eh?" Yah I guess we do".

School Days
HorrorCereal killers? This school is crazy dangerous! Can Lydia and her friends end this madness?