"Guys we need to go into the principal's office". said Marco. "Marco your ass is cray cray!" I said. "Why you so cray cray Marco?!" Added Iris. We soon started wiggling around. " Very funny guys, but we need to get proof that it's her who is responsible for the murders. Lets meet by her office at 10:00 tonight". With that we all separated.
"What the hell am I looking at!"
"Marco what's wrong?" I asked.
"The principal is sucking the janitors face off!"
"Let me s-"
"Oh lord".Inside the the office...
"Thank you so much Ross for getting rid of... the problems".
"You mean the bodies?"
"... yes the bodies Ross".
"No problem Helga-"
"Head Mistress".
"Yes head mistress. anything for my bae".
More smooching..."Carlo's did you hear the- what the fu.Fu
"Somebody burn my eyes! I just want to rip my eyes out and have them burned! What in the bloody hell did I do to deserve this!"
"Well damn".

School Days
HorrorCereal killers? This school is crazy dangerous! Can Lydia and her friends end this madness?