Interviews pt2

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Note: just imagine that everyone's in the same school
Also, feel free to comment I don't judge (this chatfic is so quiet like what-)

Yn's pov

Why do I have to do this? Mom, why did u make me run for president? I'm not dumb like keisuke, so why do I have to do shit like this? I stopped wandering in the empty halls and stopped in front of his class.

I then knocked on the classroom door for like, manners I guess and said in a polite tone, "Excuse me miss, sorry for interrupting your lesson, but may I see Rindou Haitani? It's for his student council interview."

Yup, that's right. The Rindou Haitani, one of the Kings of roppongi, one of the most influential delinquents ever, wants to be in the student council. Not just for any role though. For the most unthinkable role ever, the head of the discipline committee.

The second rindou heard his name, he woke up from his nap and walked out of class, glaring at everyone that he passed by. The teacher actually seemed scared of him. Why though? He just looks like a chicken with dyed feathers and glasses.

"Where did you learn how to speak politely? Most of the time you speak like us delinquents." Rindou said in a teasing tone.

"Shut the fuck up asshole. Unlike you, I'm actually capable of being polite to people." I said calmly, refusing to look at him. He'll only piss me off.

"So is cursing at me considered polite? You wound me." Rindou replied in an offended tone, putting his hand over his heart, (If he even has one-) earning a scoff from me.

After 5 minutes of awkward silence, we finally reached the student council room where rindou was gonna be interviewed. Thank fucking goodness a teacher as there. I can't imagine what he would do to me if there wasn't. Then again, if he tried anything I could just kick him and he'll pass out 💅💅💅

Rindou and I stepped into the room where a teacher was waiting. Her eyes landed on rindou, fear filling them instantly. Why were so many people afraid of him?

"Hello Mr Haitani. Yn will ask you a few questions. So try to answer them the best you can. Before we begin, please give yn and I a moment."

The teacher pulled me into a room nearby and sort of whisper shouted "Yn what are you thinking? He is a delinquent, how could be in the student council, not to mention be the head of the discipline committee?"

"To be honest, I don't wanna interview him either. But we're required to interview everyone who applied to join the student council. Just keep calm and let me talk."

We walked back into the room to see Rindou putting his feet up on the coffee table picking his nails looking as bored as ever. Literally how could he be part of the discipline committee.

"Sorry for the wait. We can start now. So, why do you want to join the student council?" I said. It's best to finish the interview fast so I can get to the actually qualified students.

"I believe that joining the student council is an excellent opportunity to combine my leadership skills and passion for serving my school community to make the school a better place for students to learn and grow so that their full potential is reached, ensuring a bright future for them."

My jaw dropped. How did this dumb bitch- whatever, moving on.

"What do you think is an important quality for a member of a student council to possess?"

"They need to listen to the voices of the students. I have some ideas about things we could do to improve how students feel about attending school and I'd like to share them with the council. For example, changing the time school starts from 8am to 8.30am. Many students fall asleep in class, but not because they were playing video games at night, or just staying up late for no good reason whatsoever. Majority of students I have spoken to say that they have part time jobs and, as a result, stay up late at night to finish their homework as their shift ends at around 6. So extending the start of school by half an hour can perhaps allow them to sleep more and ensure that they are ready for classes during the day."

"OK, thank you for your time Mr Haitani, you will be notified next week during assembly about whether you got the role. Yn will bring you back to class now," the teacher said. Fr tho, she was so brave. Her legs were shaking and she looked like she was gonna puke. #stanthatrandomteacher.

Once again, rindou and I walked through the empty hallways back to his class. "So, how did I do?"he asked, breaking the awkward silence. I chose not to reply and ignored him completely.

"For the fact that you're not saying anything means I did well, didn't I? You just don't wanna admit that I'm amazing."

His confidence made me wanna throw up. But, I guess he had the right to be that confident. He did really well. We arrived at his class and parted there, no goodbyes, waves, or anything. I guess we just hated each other that much.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long 😔. My motivation to write just isn't that good anymore. Not to mention lack of ideas.

AND I'M SO SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER IS SO MUCH LIKE THAT CHAPTER FROM UNEXPECTED BY @chvfvyu. @chufvyu, if you read this, PLS KNOW THAT I AM SO SORRY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. And that I love your chatfic sm it's one of my favourites.

I actually had this chapter in mind before I read that chatfic it is literally so good I really recommend it.

Anyways I'm planning to delete that stray kids chatfic I started. It literally has 0 reads. 💔 I know it says 5 but umm it was just me proof-reading it after publishing... Lmk if I should actually delete it OR if ur a stay like me 🤪

I also noticed that this book I'd literally so quiet like what??? You guys can feel free to comment I won't judge. ;)


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