a long long time... pt3

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Yn's pov

"I think we should keep our noise level down," Emma said, leading the rest of the 4 of us into the house. "We don't wanna wake Mickey Mouse up after all."

We crept up the stairs into Emma's room, trying their hardest not to let a giggle escape from our mouths as we walked past a snoring Shinichiro.

Emma creaked the door to her room as quietly as they could, slowly closing the door shut. Hina, Senju and I marvelled at the sight of how girly Emma's room was. A vanity sitting in the corner of her room, the coquette closet with all her stunning clothes, and most of all, the pink teddy bear standing out amongst the rest of her stuffed toys on her bed.

"Oh? Isn't that the bear that Draken gave you for your birthday?" I teased.

"Oh yeah!" Hina exclaimed."I remember you rambling on and on for the rest of the month about how sweet he was and how down bad you were for him."

Emma's face flushed a deep shade of red before replying, "Isn't it normal to treasure gifts given by your boyfriend for the rest of your life?"

"I guess it is. After all, I'm still wearing that clover necklace Takemitchi gave me."

We swooned at Hina's cuteness before Yuzuha said glancing at Hina, "Giving your significant other gifts on a regular basis is the bare minimum. I would do that for any of you." That made me wonder why I'm even dating that chicken little wannabe when I could literally date this hottie who's more gentlemanly than all the other guys on this planet.

"How about you, Yn? Has Rindou ever given you a gift before?" At the mere mention of his name, my face suddenly blew up. The girls followed my gaze to the bracelet sitting on my wrist.

"Umm... uhh..." I took my phone out and scrolled past all the pictures I had taken with Rindou the previous week during our 5 month anniversary.

"He gave me this last week during our 5th anniversary," I said, showing them the 2 matching handmade bracelets he had given me.

"He gave me this last week during our 5th anniversary," I said, showing them the 2 matching handmade bracelets he had given me

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The room filled with squeals and screams, making my already beetroot face even redder, if that was even possible. How could I ever think he was a red flag, I thought.


Yn's pov

"So what movie should we watch?" Emma asked, flickering through the hundreds of movies on the screen. That's when an idea popped into my mind. "How about we have a Disney marathon since Yuzuha didn't get to watch those movies herself?" I suggested, remembering her saying that she didn't get to have a normal girly childhood like the rest of us, having grown up in a household with an abusive mufasa wannabe.

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