Story - 1

442 31 8

Stars : Ishan Kishan & Shubman Gill

Genre : Angst , Drama

  Warning : Homophobia, Bullying 

Please don't be a silent reader tell me you're opinions about the story and please make sure to vote . Also I've changed the story line a bit but the base is same please bare with me ...


Author's pov

Another day another hell for poor Ishan . Ishan wasn't you're typical hotshot like Sidharth Malhotra . He's the complete opposite , he's the shy , timid nerd who's an academic genius . But his life is not as easy as it seems to people outside . He's the second child and has a lot of pressure because of his brother's success . Life at home was full of taunts and complain and abuse  from all his family members and school wasn't any better .. poor boy had to face his bully daily who would make his already hell of a life worse . As he enters the school , he heard people calling him names

' Nerd '

' Bitch'


' Fag '

He didn't even know how these names came from especially the whore part as he never even had his kiss . The whole school already knew that he was gay that's where the bitch and fag part came and the trend was popularized bu the one and only Shubman Gill . Shubman was the jock of the school the cool bad boy  , not  only was he know for his good looks but also his sport abilities . He was like a Greek God in the eyes of people , but for me he was my one and only harasser . 

' Hey nerd ' Shubman screamed  . I turned around and even before I could properly turn towards him I was slammed into the wall  . ' That's what you gay bitches like eh ? ' I felt something trickling  down to my mouth , as I touched my face I realized it was blood .. how common it was for him to bleed everyday . Shubman kicked him a few more times ..' That's what you get for being a hoe ' he laughed as he and his group of friends who were laughing at me went away . I rushed to the washroom to clean myself up and rushed to the class .

The teachers could make out that something fishy was going on but thought I would be able to manage on my own . ' Late as usual Ishan ? ' his teacher commented .. ' Sorry sir I'll be on time next time ' Ishan replied with his head down , ' you know what Ishan , I need to talk to you after class ' he teacher spoke ..' As you wish sir ' Ishan replied slightly worried thinking he's in trouble .


' Sir may I come in ?' Ishan questioned , ' Oh yeah Ishan please take a seat ' .  ' So sir what did you call me for ; Ishan asked , ' ishan I know that you're getting bullied by Shubman and his minions ' ... ' WHAT how did he know that ' Ishan thought .  ' Do not lie my boy ' his teacher said . He had no option but to confess ' Yes you're right but please don't press any charges on him , that's my request to you ' Ishan spoke . ' why Ishan why are you being so nice to guy who beats you up daily ' his teacher questioned completely taken aback from his statement . ' Sir I realize what he has done to me is wrong but at the end of the day you know me , I like to stay out of drama as much as I can just let all this stay at it is plus you know my house life its common for me ' Ishan said sadly,   ' He acts as if it doesn't affect him but from inside it must hurt him a lot ' his teacher thought . But the two men talking did not realize that a third person was overhearing their chat . 

Shubman's Pov

 ' Damn wtf is this true ' Shubman thought . He didn't realize that the person he would bully blindly would have such trauma already . He didn't want to make life harder for a person who's life is already hell , he just bullied Ishan because he was envious of Ishan . He was the perfect person in our school whereas I was the total opposite , the most hated student of the class . He had everything I wanted desperately ...Good Grades . I come from not so rich background and need good grades to provide for my family but somehow no matter how much I tried it would never work  out that's why I hatched a plan to bring  him down so I can climb on top but I didn't drag him down so bad that he'll feel this way . ' I should probably apologize to him ' He thought . As he was thinking , he saw Ishan leaving and running towards the rooftop  .

3rd Person Pov

Shubman ran after Ishan . Ishan went up to the railing and though that he was about to jump from the rooftop but even before he could take a step he heard Ishan shout from top of his lungs

' YOU BASTARD GO DIE I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS , FUCKING ASSHOLE I HOPE YOU STICK A FORK UP YOU'RE BUTT ' Ishan screamed . Shubman rather than being angry at him was finding Ishan's antics cute . As he was about to move towards Ishan , Ishan turned . He was surprised to see Shubman having a large grin on his face . ' umm how long have you been here '  ... ' about a few mins ' Shubman replied . ' umm I have to go ' Ishan tried to escape but as he was about to leave Shubman grabbed Ishan's hand and pulled him towards himself and he lands on Shubman's chest . ' don't go , I have to tell you something ' ... Ishan was flustered and his whole face was red , seeing this Shubman was delighted . ' I want to aplogize for my behavior and how I treated you ' Shubman said ..Ishan was confused , ' Is everything ok with you , you're not the type to apologize to someone ' Ishan said in a serious tone . ' I know but I just can't stand being against you anymore and want to be you're friend ' [ Or more than that ;) ] . Ishan was skeptical at first but decided to give in eventually . ' Fine but don't break my trust ' Ishan said nonchalantly  , ' Yes I promise... I wont disappoint you ' Shubman replied as he hugs Ishan . Ishan felt awkward but returned the hug . 

Who would have thought the bully and the victim would become friends and eventually  lovers ( Husbands ) later ...



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