Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Burst your bubbles

-Don't be afraid to stand against the masses, You know something they don't.-

"Pay up!"


Danny laughed when they got into the castle and in fact, there was a dragon in it.

Currently, they ran around with the dragon in pursuit, but Danny still didn't care and focused on his sister urging her to pay his money quickly.

"Can you two not do this while we're running for our lives?"

Gwen cried, finding it hard to believe that Danny and Jazz still had time to argue when a real-life dragon was chasing them.

"It's not a threat, I mean, I could go back there and take it out... But that'll mean I won't pay Danny for saving his life"

Jazz suggested, Grinning innocently fully discontented with the way Danny was taking her money and coming up with her way of evening the scores while Danny replied.

"Not a fat chance, Bennie will do something eventually."

Danny refused while pushing the responsibility to Benny, He wasn't going to sacrifice his hard-earned 50k



Bennie yelled, "This isn't time for you two to argue, If you can help the team, help!" Bennie knew if Jazz was so confident about taking the dragon she could, So she tried to get the dark-haired teen to move but she didn't.

"He's ripped me off 200k this month! Besides We aren't here to help the team, We're here for you"

Jazz said while shrugging while Danny joined it "Yeah, Don't get it twisted, We're your friends, Not heroes."

The group kept quiet and focused on escaping the Dragon instead, running past a smaller door that temporarily stopped the dragon due to its huge size giving the group enough time to catch their breath.

"To think, They'd actually be a dragon here, Don't lie Danny... Are you Psyche?" Jazz wasn't out of breath she focused on wondering how her brother was good at predicting.

"Knights, Castles and Dragons it's a full package"

Danny pretended to be out of breath while explaining his theory.

However, it was short-lived when they were surrounded by dozens of Forever Knights.

"Surrender, Place your hands above your head."

The leader of the group spoke, Each knight had a laser lancer, a forbidden level 5 technology that boosted their morale putting them under the impression that they could take their opponents down easily.

"I left my baton in the car!"

Jazz sighed when she realized her slip-off, But she decided to use her fist, Without communication, Bennie and Danny decided to focus on the dragon behind them, While Jazz, Kevin, Gwen and the Plumber focused on the Forever knights.

Bennie ran towards the dragon, Tapping her dial as aliens popped up and she stopped at a random one slapping the omnitrix.

In a burst of green Bennie transformed into a small white alien whose inner body is made of living sound waves and her outer body became a containment suit. She had headphones and an MP3 player-like device on her back with the number 10 on it. She has line-like eyes and green circles on his hands. While wearing the Omnitrix on his forehead.

"Echo Echo"

Echo Echo split into two similar-like bodies, and then the two split into two and the last two also split into two making it a total of six aliens.

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