Chapter 14 - Charles

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Charles couldn't take his eyes off the Canadian woman who in such a short time had completely taken over his heart. Her hair was in loose curls that fell around her shoulders, the makeup she had done made her blue eyes even more brilliant, and the lipliner made her mouth even more tantalising than it normally was. He had to force himself not to look, he was here with his friend to cheer her up, and help with her interview. It is where he wanted to be, Mia had supported him and helped him throughout the years in Formula One and when she had trusted him with the information about the McLaren job he had been determined to do whatever he could to support her.

When Mia had walked into his drivers room that morning, tears streaming down her face, he had wanted to punch Lando for hurting his friend in this way – the only thing that stopped him was that Lando would not have any idea what he was being punched for. Charles had seen over and over how Lando flirted with Mia, he would often seek her out to flirt with her – even when he was still in a relationship with Luisa. It had happened so many times that Charles was convinced Lando would ask Mia out, but when it didn't happen and he instead started seeing Eleanore, Charles had been disgusted with how badly he felt the brit had treated his friend. Sure, he knew some may say he was only angry because he was in love with the Canadian that Lando was now with, but it wasn't the reason. He genuinely hated how Lando had caused his friend pain – it caused feelings of hot rage to charge through his body at the thought of it, and this was not something he was accustomed to – not outside of racing anyway. Charles was distracted from his thoughts when his phone vibrated on the table, Mia indicated she was not bothered if he checked it.

Pierre: so, Kika just got off the phone with Elena who was telling her that she heard from Kelly that when she was in Monaco she saw Eleanore coming out of the Pharmacy... is Eleanore sick?? I didn't see her in the paddock earlier...

Charles: I doubt it, she was all lovey dovey with Lando in the paddock earlier, and she's on a date with him right now and seems perfectly fine.

Pierre: how do you know what she's doing right now? Oh god, tell me you aren't stalking her?!

Charles: no! I am at dinner with Mia. Eleanore is here with Lando.

He took a sneaky picture of the Canadian and sent it to Pierre as proof.

Pierre: WOW!! She looks incredible, Kika has just said: yeah I would do her!

Charles hated how beautiful Eleanore looked, he hated that Lando got to kiss her and hold her. He couldn't understand how Landos playboy behaviour didn't turn women off. Of course, he supported Mia, and had genuinely thought Lando cared about her, but he wasn't oblivious to the man whore ways of the young brit. He slept with a different girl almost every 48 hours after he and Luisa broke up, his dj'ing had only made that worse as it meant he had a club full of women to choose from every night. That lifestyle had never really appealed to the Monegasque – he enjoyed partying for sure, but hooking up with random people, never feeling a proper connection was not what interested him. Family was, and always would be, the most important thing to Charles, and he wouldn't waste his time with someone unless he saw a future there, which is why it hurt so much to see Eleanore with Lando – as from the first moment he saw her, he saw a future. He needed to let that go though, she was with Lando, he was friends with Lando. He needed to forget her and soon. He refocused his attention back to his friend, and they continued chatting for a while longer before leaving, Charles was worried as he walked back to his hotel room that Mia was going to spend her night crying over Lando. Instead of heading back to his own room, he went to see Arthur instead, after knocking on his door, he rang his little brother to discover that he was in Lorenzo's room playing Mario kart – that sounded like the perfect way to end the evening - so he rushed to his older brothers room and joined in the Mario kart fun.

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