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After two months of cohabitation, it appears that things are going quite well for both Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook consistently rises early, taking the initiative to prepare breakfast for them to enjoy together. Eventually, with much persuasion, Jimin began taking on household chores and even started doing laundry. In his free time, he sew torn clothes which belongs to the alpha.

Jimin parents raised him well. His mother teach him every little thing that should every omega know. Even he didn't argue with his father when he bought a proposal of Lee's family son's hand for jimin but no one knows that circumstances will turned into bitter.

Jungkook always ensures that Jimin doesn't have to engage in physically demanding tasks such as carrying water or doing house chores. He takes care of those responsibilities himself, and even refrains from allowing Jimin to venture into the forest to gather fruits.

As their bond grew stronger, Jungkook and Jimin began engaging in more meaningful conversations, checking in on each other's day and sharing their experiences. Throughout the day, Jimin dedicated a significant amount of time to attending to the house chores. However, in the evenings, he cherished moments spent with the three little ones, engaging in heartfelt conversations and playful activities.

At the night time they eat all together. Jimin has to make extra food he knows that tae-yun eat so much. Sometimes he wondered that where the food goes when the little alpha has little stomach.

As always the twins baby get tired and sleep immediately after the training. Yoona is a omega that get shy really fast she doesn't talk much Yuri was oposite to her sister she always gets into trouble because she's speaks much and very loud.

"You know omega Jeon yesterday papa shouted on Yoona because of me". They all were sitting outside the house where the garden is. Three children was helping jimin to planting some herbs so that they can store them for the rest of the winter.

In the winter everything covered in snow so it's gets hard for them to go out and find herbs.

"Why?" Jimin inquired, his voice filled with curiosity, as he guided Tae-yun in the process of planting the seeds into the holes that Tae-yun had diligently dug beforehand.

"I was bringing the pot of honey into the kitchen, I accidentally broke it. When Papa came back to the spot where the mess was, I quickly ran into the bedroom. Yoona happened to be on her way to the kitchen, and Papa mistakenly shouted at her, thinking she broke it." As they shared the hilarious mishap, jimin couldn't contain his laughter, causing his eyes to nearly disappear. Tae-yun and Yuri joined in on the laughter, while Yoona, not finding it as amusing, made a face that clearly conveyed her lack of amusement.

"You are such a trouble maker." Jimin pitched a little on Yuri cheek.

"She always do that she's lucky that she have a sister and there's I am. Sometimes papa shout on me without any reason". Tae-yun spoke while pouting.

"Yoona don't digg it to much the seeds will not grow up". Jimin told her how to do it right way.

With Jimin's pregnancy reaching five months, his belly had grown significantly larger. As a result, he found it challenging to bend down and perform certain tasks. Thankfully, his small but helpful friends were doing a great job assisting him. Their support and cooperation were truly heartwarming.

"Omega Jeon what is this". Yuri run to him while showing a small bag to jimin.

"Ahh that's are different herbs to the don't smell it Yuri". Jimin quickly grabbed the bag from her hold.

"This is strong we are going to put them to that queue". Jimin told them while pointing towards the other queue that was far from the other one.

"What are they use for". Tae-yun asked jimin with curiosity.

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