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As Jimin walked out of the kitchen, the door slamming open, he caught sight of Jungkook, who had arrived home. Firstly, Jungkook's gaze shifted to the couch, noticing the absence of a blanket on it. As he became aware of Jimin's presence,  Sensing the emotions in the air, he locked eyes with Jimin, causing the omega to blush in embarrassment. A peculiar smile graced the face of the alpha standing at the house's entrance.

Jimin's return from the river was marked by a surge of nervousness that seemed to intensify as evening drew near. His heart, like a drum beating rapidly in his chest, made it challenging for him to concentrate on any task at hand. Persistent perspiration and trembling hands further compounded his unease, creating a sense of uneasiness that lingered throughout his day.

He was grappled with overwhelming anxiety.

Jimin was looking like a exceptional beauty standing little far from him. Like a porcelain doll. Those blue eyes were glancing toward Jungkook, the alpha found like he have grasped thousand of stars in his hand.

" Omega " Jungkook called jimin in soft but he exhaled heavily. Jimin was looking so heavenly that Jungkook was questioning over the fact that it was jimin who was looking so beautiful or today he was seeing him in different way.

Jimin literally shiver when he heard this alpha standing over the door panting while calling him in soft but seductive voice. Jimin looked down as he played with the fabric on his body.

As their gaze met, and Jimin's breath hitched for a second. He had seen Jungkook many times, but seeing him today was different. It may be because of the rough appearance of the alpha right now, or maybe because of he was thinking about their going to happen encounter, he was fighting with his thoughts should he helped Jungkook or not. At the end, he decides to give it a try but something was definitely there that was attracting the omega so much that Jimin couldn't help but eyeing the alpha boldly standing at the middle of living room.

Jungkook, who had often found himself sharing a bed with the omega and engaging in various kisses, from gentle pecks on the lips to a daring stolen long lip lock, was now overwhelmed with a sense of nervousness that seemed to consume him entirely. This sudden rush of anxiety flooded through him as he noticed Jimin's unwavering gaze fixed upon him, a bold intensity that seemed to pierce through Jungkook's very being, leaving him unsettled and unsure of what to do next.

After Jungkook smirked upon noticing the typically reserved omega boldly eyeing him, he confidently strode towards the sofa and settled himself upon it, observing as his Ji-yeon played with a plush toy he had purchased for her just a few days prior.

Upon realizing that Jungkook had taken a seat beside her, she promptly began clapping with her tiny hands, displaying an enthusiastic yet slightly uncoordinated manner as her palms occasionally met fingertips or crossed awkwardly before finding their rhythm.

Finding her actions utterly endearing, Jungkook planted a gentle kiss on her cheek after lifting her up, before turning his gaze back to the omega who remained standing, casting fleeting glances in his direction.

The sudden question, "Are you not going to bring a glass of water?" snapped Jimin out of his reverie of thoughts, prompting him to swiftly nod and dash to the kitchen with an empty glass. Jungkook, initially puzzled by the actions of his omega when he turned towards the main door of the house, and  realizing that Jimin was fetching cold water for him.

Jimin, being quite the clever omega, anticipated his alpha's return and prepared ahead by filling a container with water and placing it outside to chill, taking advantage of the snowy and freezing weather. He was aware that Jungkook had been preferring cold water lately.

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