Chapter 36 : Tales of a Forgotten Shadow

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After Izuku finished listening he entered a meditative state to speak with Lucius. Even if he was very powerful, by a humans standards, he still lacked the vast experience that Lucius held. He saw that Lucius was sitting in a field looking at the moon as winds blew slowly. He looked back and saw Izuku standing behind him. "Come young one. Sit. Nature's beauty has never ceased to amaze me." He looked at Izuku and as if sensing his inner turmoil he asked, "What troubles you so?" Izuku looked at Lucius and told him of all that had transpired. Lucius patiently listened to all of it and then said, "People such as these... they have nothing left to lose. That makes them dangerous for they know they have no 'weakness', as they see it. They are willing to do whatever it takes for the to fulfill their dreams." Lucius' face grew solemn, "However... such people are usually broken, far too much so. They do not care for anything any longer. Unfortunately such people cannot be redeemed, they can only be.... ended." As he said that last part his tone grew cold and desolate. "You need to understand this youngling, while it is a good ideal to wish to save everyone, however some people are far too gone to save. If you try to save them it'll only cause you pain and nothing else.."

Lucius got up and beckoned Izuku to follow him, "Let me tell you a story." Lucius and Izuku walked together as Lucius began his tale, "Several centuries ago. There was a man. The common people hailed him as a hero. His enemies called him The Crimson Reaper, Death's Herald and other such nicknames. He, however, has paid a price for such fame. He spent countless sleepless nights surrounded by the corpses of his friends and enemies alike. All lost their lives fighting in a war they had no reason to fight. That man was the only survivor of a bloody war. When he returned his allies hailed him as a hero, however he did not reply. After the war he was awarded many things and granted the title of 'Blood Lion'. However he did not care. He knew what he had done. He slaughtered thousands in order to survive. He held no thoughts of courage an bravery, only fear... of death." Izuku sat down in front of Lucius. "Afterwards he fought in 2 more wars and then disappeared. He promised that in the nation's time of need he would return. Several years passed, people gradually forgot the name 'Blood Lion'. Then disaster struck. An army with incomparable might appeared. They slaughtered all in their path. Within a week the nation was pushed into a corner. They hoped that a savior would appear. As if answering their calls the Blood Lion returned. However he was old, just a shadow of his former shelves. The enemy knights laughed as they saw the old man coming at them alone. They called him an ancient relic of an era long past, a Forgotten Shadow. However what they did not know is that this man knew he was close to death, so he had come to partake in one last battle. He lifted his blade and slaughtered the entire enemy army by himself. In the end the battle lasted several days. At the end those of the enemy that survived ran away out of fear. The Blood Lion stood tall, his body covered in blood both his own and his enemies. Wounds littered his body. He still stood tall at the end even as he drew his last breath."

"That man was a warrior. However he was still only a man. You, youngling, are someone with the potential to become a god. So show me you are worthy, achieve strength that would make me proud to be your predecessor." As he finished saying this the mindscape went white as Izuku was forced out of his meditative state. However when he opened his eyes he was horrified at what he saw. The entire city consumed by flames as a singular being stood in front of him. He noticed his friends and family lying all around him, none dead, but all injured. He looked closely and he realized what exactly was the cause of this destruction. "A High level Guardian, The Adjucator. Power level :  5 A. This won't be easy... I'm still stuck at 6 A." Izuku steeled himself for the battle ahead.

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