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This story which is a sort of "Bonus Feature" takes place in September 1948, chronologically between chapter 4 and chapter 5. It was not originally planned to include it but even though the FanFic is finished it seemed interesting to narrate what a normal day in the life of Clara Kent/Superwoman was like and the influence it could have on the lives of ordinary people. It's completely contextualized in the narrative but can also be read as a separate piece. I hope you like it



Diah didn't know what time it was in Metropolis, even she thought about it every time she came back from the typing school while she checked again and again the Dutch magazine that had fallen into her hands, where a thousand and one rescues of that wonderful woman in a red cape called Superwoman appeared. Her parents did not like the clothes of the flying lady. Aditya told her that Superwoman could shoot lightning and fire out of her eyes. Several people in Jakarta had seen her. Her friend Endah thought that she was a lying demon, and that demons liked nothing better than to take the form of a lovely woman. Kusno, the doctor's son, claimed to have seen her flying through the sky as he traveled by boat between Java and Sumatra. For a long time, she had wished to cross paths with Superwoman and see her at last, knowing that the superheroine had been to many places in Indonesia to aid people during fires, typhoons, or outbreaks of violence, but nothing had ever happened in her small town...until now that Diah prayed and prayed that she would appear and help them.

The typhoon hit hard and unexpectedly. They had invited neighbors and cousins to stay in their brick house, which was raised slightly off the ground in case of flooding. There were nearly twenty people in their small house. If the storm continued, there would soon be none. They knew that the wind had taken away the second floor with its tin roof, and bricks had poured down the stairs. Outside they could hear a terrible wind and a steady rain. Water was coming in through the doors and boarded windows, up to their knees. About twenty people, including eight children, were shivering, and sitting on the table or sofa. She and her father struggled to keep boards nailed to the window. Through a crack, even though the wind and water hurt her, she could see the water from the river overflowing and the tide outside the house almost reaching the windows. As soon as the water level rose a little, the water would knock down the boards and the wall would give way. It would be the end. Diah tried to hold back her tears and continued to help her father.

From the stairs, which they knew would lead nowhere, water continued to fall in torrents. And a howling wind that sounded like the roar of a monster. That's why Diah didn't hear the footsteps. She didn't turn around until she heard a murmur of astonishment and a muffled scream. It couldn't be her. There she was. It was her. The wonderful woman came down the stairs almost sheepishly, smiling. Her hair was soaked, but she was much prettier and stronger than in the pictures in the magazine... which had now flown upstairs with all her stuff, along with the typing manual. Her outfit was bright red and blue, it didn't look wet. She looked like a goddess from ancient legends. And there she was, on her house's stairs.

She spoke to them in knotty Dutch that no one understood but her and her father a little.

"I Help...I take you shelter in hill!"

Diah nodded; her eyes were filled with tears of emotion. The wonderful woman in the red cape smiled back at her and walked over to the children, picking two up in her arms and disappearing in a second, leaving a red and blue blur. She appeared and disappeared, picking up her siblings and cousins, her grandmother and aunt, then her.

"Hang on!"

She felt herself wrapped in a red cape and transported through a kind of blurry tunnel that hurt her eyes. Suddenly she felt herself being set down on the floor of the school on the hill, which was brick built and far from the river. The building was crowded with people. She looked around for all her family members, and there they were, still surprised and relieved. Then the wonderful woman appeared with her father. Diah ran to her with one of the five sentences she knew in English.

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