7- shoot him

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OJ's P.O.V:

"I'm going to need you to kill Microphone."

I hold out a fresh knife, the light gleaming off the spotless surface. In her eyes, for once, I detect fear. The Taco I once knew had no fear of anything. She was the type of object that inspired fear. Something was off. This wasn't like her usual self.

Taco's P.O.V:

My eyes fixate on the knife lying before me. I feel my body start to shake and tremble as realization hits me. Around me, the world shatters into pieces and gradually becomes colder. The sounds begin to ring in my ears.

He wants me to kill Microphone.

He wants me to fucking kill her.

I swiftly react to this and raise my laser to OJ's face. He doesn't even flinch.

"Put the gun down, Taco."

I take a few steps back, still aiming the laser at the orange glass.

"I'm. Not. Killing. Microphone."

"You have to, Taco."

I feel my heart sink as OJ remains silent. Shivers run down my spine out of sheer panic.

"Why would you want me to do such a thing, OJ?"


"Huh? Answer me, you fucking asshole. Why?"

OJ leans down to reach my height, conceding the standoff, understanding that I might shoot him. His face and movements are emotionless and empty.

"I loved Paper. I really did, Taco. But then Salt had to go off and kill her, and I was stupid to not say anything because I was not used to watching someone just...die like that. So I killed both her and Salt. Little Microphone, on the other hand, seems to be putting the pieces together, and I can't afford to be caught for murder. So please, Taco, use that experience from being an assassin and kill her for me. I'm willing to pay a large amount."

I cover my mouth in shock, and my grip loosens on the laser, making it fall to the ground with a loud thud.


In the blink of a second, I pick up the laser and shoot at OJ. He manages to dodge most of my hits before pulling out a plain pistol.

Thinking he couldn't do much damage with it, I rapidly shoot at him. Before I know it, he makes his shot, hitting me right in my shell. I hit the ground hard, now experiencing double vision. I struggle to get up as my head rings louder and louder with each coming second.

Is this where it all ends?

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