24- murdered in music ♫

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Glassy P.O.V:

Everything is hopeless for her now. All there is to do now is stab her repeatedly until she eventually dies from blood loss.

Maybe I should come up with a name for my murdering of the microphone.

Well, microphones do commonly tend to be associated mostly with the music industry. You mostly sing in a microphone. You use your voice. That's the whole fucking purpose of one, anyway.

And if anyone found out she died, they most likely would have been searching for her for a while. And once they find out she may be dead, it will break them all mentally. A crack in their mind.

Holy shit. I have the perfect name. It just, I don't know, sort of 'clicked' in my head.

Voice Crack.

That will be the name of her death from me killing her to harvest and gain money from organs.

I hold the gun up to her face. Let's just get this over with. I need this money. She'll understand even though I barely just met her.

I'm about to press the trigger when something inside me suddenly begs me to stop what I'm doing. Huh. This isn't all what I was thinking a few minutes ago... Why the sudden change of heart?

I lower my gun. The microphone has tears building up in her eyes. She's trying to not cry, to not look scared. Why? Is she thinking it would make her look weak to people? Because that's exactly what I think to myself daily.

No. What am I doing...? What did she ever do to me?

No. That's not important right now. What's important is that we shoot her/stab her and get the money we fucking need.

I take a deep breath, my main focus is on her.

One bullet, one other girl here right now.

Great. Now I'm arguing with myself. That's not helping at all.

I suddenly see a reflection of myself in the microphone. That helpless girl I was as a child, holding in my tears. Now it's me. Me who's causing it. My everyday fears.

Now I see. How it feels to make others hurt the way you do. It fucking feels good...? To not be the one being torn apart mentally.

At the same time, it hurts. Like a burn in my heart, telling me to stop and pause.

But before I can even react to myself, I hear the sound well-known to me. A gunshot. I shot her with the gun. Blood splatters on my face and some electric shocks emit from her body. The wires she's made up of are now visible to the naked eye. A life, someone who had the potential to do something great, she had people who loved and cared for her. That something would not affect me. At least it used to not have anything to do with me.

What have I fucking done?..

I don't even have the strength to harvest any insides anymore. But, I didn't just take a life for nothing. I can't just be a bitch and try running away and forgetting about this.

I pick up her lifeless body and drag it to a room. What I like to call 'examination mutilation'.

I wipe away the blood from my face and get to work. The stench of her insides fill the room. It makes me want to vomit badly. I can taste vomit in my mouth, the sourness only getting worse. My throat aches and my heart is beating in my head. I'm left with me, myself, and I. As I continue harvesting the organs I know would last long enough to sell, my thoughts get worse. I'm arguing with myself, telling myself I'm not a bad person, that I was in desperate need of money.

Sure, that wasn't the best way, but that doesn't make me terrible. No.

MePhone4's P.O.V:

I'm on the verge of falling asleep when I suddenly get a notification to revive Microphone. Huh? I though the MeLife broke? Did it get fixed somehow?

Why the actual fuck did it take so long for the MeLife to finally work. Whatever, I'll just revive her and question later.

A flash appears before my eyes. Microphone is revived.

I have many questions for her. How did she die, and does it explain parts of the murder? Well, good for her that she's able to be revived now. Would have been a shame if she were to die.

I mean, assuming she died from being murdered by the murder.

She looks around for a second. Her face gives off a sense of confusion yet relief at the same time.

"Holy shit. I thought I was dead. Wait. Does this mean-"

"Yes, Microphone, the MeLife miraculously fixed itself. So tell me, what was the last thing you saw before you died?"

"A glass...perfume...bottle? I don't know much, I'm sorry, I didn't get a good look at her appearance."

"It's fine, Microphone. Stay here while I let Taco know you have returned."

I begin to walk away before Microphone grabs my hand.



"Why...Taco? She most likely wouldn't have noticed, I wasn't gone for long."

"Not gone for long? Is three days not long to you? Taco was searching for you everywhere. I need to let her know that she can stop worrying."

"No, MePhone4. I know how Taco is. She's not the kind to worry or feel sympathy for others, let alone go around searching for me."

"Heh, you should go check up on her then. I believed the same thing until I saw it for myself."

Her face shows she thinks i'm lying. Wait until she sees the look on Taco's face.

Taco's P.O.V:

I'm in my room, wrapped up in a blanket. It was only today my stupid ass realized Mic hasn't been back in a while. I can hear MePhone4 talk about me downstairs. Who the actual hell would buy that shit? Not even Balloon would fall for it.

As I snuggle deep into the warmth of my blanket and pillows, the door to my room gets thrown open.

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